The Kind Baker (4)

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you know when i said i would write more of this reallt soonnnn
that may have been a little bit of a lie bc life is REALLY crazy- im planning for COLLEGE now man
I started this chapter MONTHSSS ago man (July 31st???!) sorry if some details dont line up now

Anyways heres the chapter.
The next morning was almost peaceful. Wilbur spent awhile sitting with Pebble in his lap enjoying the silence the alleyway brought. Sure it wasn't perfect. It was far from comfortable. But it was a nice break from the stress.

Eventually he decided to get ready for the day and got up. He slung the guitar onto his back and put Pebble in the pocket of a jacket he found. The cat was just small enough to fit with his head sticking out.

Wilbur walked out of the alleyway and started heading back towards the library. Might as well prepare himself more for what he might face in the winter season. He was almost at the Library when he caught an amazing smell. It was sweet, sugary. It made his stomach growl, making him question when was the last time he ate.

Wilbur's feet seemed to steer him towards the smell. Not far from the library stood a magical looking bakery, its windows displaying all the sugary treats made inside. How desperately he wanted to run in there and get his hands on some food, but he was hesitant because the lack of money in his pockets. One look down at Pebble made him decide they could at least take a look.

As he stepped in, he was overcome with a sweet aroma and warmth. It was a small, homey looking bakery. The shelfs were stocked full of sweets. There was a little sitting area off to the left with a grand fireplace. Everything was so clean but had just enough organized chaos of it to make it feel like a lively business and home. Immediately all of Wilbur's worried and troubles washed away and was replaced with content comfort.

He walked around for awhile, gazing at the different types of hand baked goodness in wonder. How could someone make something that looked so good? His mouth was watering just looking at it all. Sadly, the more he looked, the more he realized he couldn't afford any of it and a gnawing hunger scraped at his stomach. A muffled meow in his pocket and the little nose poking out made him think that Pebble felt the same. How would he get the cat enough food if he couldn't feed himself?

He was scared out of his thoughts by a cough behind him. Wilbur spun around to find a man standing over him, looking at him expectantly. He was quite tall with blonde hair and green eyes. He was wearing strange clothes, quite similar to the pink haired boy in the library. Everything about him could have been threatening, but his eyes were kind. Something about him made Wilbur feel safe.

"Hey mate, you here to buy?" The man asked. Wilbur realized he must have been the baker and sputtered to find words to express why he was there. A patient smile slowed him down when he started stuttering out panicked phrases.

"No sir, I don't have money with me. I was just looking." He managed to spit out after a moment of consideration. "You see, it smelled really good out on the street so I just had to come look. It is quite marvelous in here."

With that the man laughed kindly and walked back towards the front counter, Wilbur following close behind.

"Well thank you, son. Glad you like it." He looked at Wilbur kindly, who was gazing wide eyed at the muffins in the glass display "You should come back sometime and try some sweets, my sons and I make them together. Despite how chaotic the little shits are, I have to give them credit. They are quite good at baking." Wilbur looked up at that. The man was speaking so fondly of his sons that it caught him off guard. Some deep part of him was pained by the fact.

"Maybe I will once I get some money. Everything looks so good." He responded. Some part of him wanted to ask the baker about these sons, but it almost felt out of his place. So instead he continued to look at the display. There was a blueberry muffin sitting in the middle about the size of his hand, the top of it was perfectly cooked to be slightly crunchy with a sprinkle of sugar. The blueberries were places so delicately on top, a deep cracked purple from being baked. Apparently he had been staring at it for an uncomfortable time because the baker cleared his throat again. He looked up apologetically.

The baker sighed. "Tell you what mate." He grabbed a bag from under the counter and opened the display. "You can have this one. Here you go." He held the now full bag out to Wilbur, a kind look on his face. Wilbur's eyes widened at the offer. Part of him was starving to take it and eat it right then and there, but he couldn't. He had no money after all and it would be rude to just take it.

"But sir, I have no money. I can't pay for this." Wilbur tried to tell him. But the baker gently grabbed one of his hands and placed it on the bag.

"Free of charge mate. Go ahead, you look like you need it." The baker said.

And with that Wilbur accepted the bag and cradled it close to his chest. As he profusely thanked the baker and left to continue his walk, he tried to ignore the overwhelming emotions seeping through him. The kind gesture had almost brought tears to his eyes.

He ate as he walked into a busier part of the town, tearing small pieces off to give to Pebble. As he ventured on, he looked at all the bigger fancier buildings. They were tall and beautifully clean. He noticed how everyone around him had clean fresh clothes, seemingly made perfectly to fit. It was nothing like it was in his part of town. He chose to ignore the disgusted glances thrown his way. He knew he was out of place, with his ragged damp clothes and rat-nest hair. The shattered instrument strapped to him didn't do much to help.

In his deep examination of the environment around him, he never became aware of the commotion brewing in the crowd until it ran him over. Literally.

Caught off guard he lost his balance as a figure slammed into him. His arms and head scrapped across the ground painfully and he heard Pebble let out a surprised squeak from his pocket. He laid there for a second before the weight of the figure left his chest and he could open his eyes. A scruffy man with brown hair and strange looking eyes glared down at him anger. His mouth was moving but Wilbur couldn't hear what he was saying. As the man didn't get a response, he bent down and grabbed Wilbur's shirt, pulling him up and shaking him frustrated.

Wilbur tried pushing away from the man as he screamed in his ear. Something about being in his way and ignoring him. How he should beat Wilbur right then and there. Wilbur felt rising panic in his chest as the man wouldn't let him go.

He let out a distressed yell as a knee connected with his stomach and he was dropped to the ground. Pain radiated through his body but almost on instinct he got up and started running.

A little bit rushed because im about to drive across state. That and its been months since ive written. Anyway hope you enjoy ill HOPEFULLY write another one soon but at this point dont take me saying "Soon" seriously

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