Chapter 3: Shiny Teeth and He

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Chip had been seeking a new Muse. His teeth had been great, but he just couldn't keep singing about them (regardless of how much of a bop he'd made). He wanted something shiny, of course, but maybe a person. Not like Vicky had been ("Icky Vicky" was still a popular hit but his therapist suggested that maybe he shouldn't popularize people who had hurt him), but someone kind. Someone hot. Someone… exotic.

Enter Junior. They met at one of his concerts, and Junior had a backstage pass. As soon as Chip gazed upon Junior's beautiful face (and then his even more beautiful bod), he knew that Junior was it. His muse.

Junior met his musical idol, and when Chip had asked him for dinner later, it was like a dream come true. Chip complimented him on his eyes, on his hair, and the way he smiled. Chip Skylark - THE CHIP SKYLARK - said he had a cute laugh.

Juandissimo had never complimented his laugh. Juandissimo had said his laugh was annoying, and that his smile would give him "unsightly wrinkles."

It was nice.

Chip began writing that night.

Junior was intrigued by the craftsmanship of music, the lyrics, the melodies, how an artist put it together. Chip hadn't had a partner before that seemed so fascinated by the process. He wasn't sure how he felt about it, had always enjoyed the creation being his own special thing. But it was kind of sweet at the same time.

Junior respected the process, though, and soon backed off. He didn't want to become a burden, or to be too clingy. Juandissimo had complained about that. He didn't want to prove Juandissimo right.

As time went by, Chip began to see it. There was this sweet sadness about Junior, and he worked furiously to perfect his masterpiece. Writing, rewriting, tinkering with his synth, and it felt so close. So close. He just needed time and space.

Junior felt Chip growing distant as the time went on. He was obsessive with this latest song, but wouldn't let Junior see his work. Claimed it would "ruin the process." That was… well, it was fine. Artists were weird like that, right?

But it would have been nice to feel like he was important too.

Six months after they officially began dating (or, well, not really officially, more like "very very secretly, platonically dating") Chip Skylark dropped a sweet new hit:

"My Friend J"
Here's a tale about a boy named J
He's big and buff and hot like summer days
There's a sweet sweet sadness in his green green eyes
He's a pretty stand-up solid guy

Once upon a time J had a love
She was hotter than the stars above
Impossible girl in a crazy world
She broke his heart or so I've heard

There's a sweet sweet sadness in his green green eyes
He's a pretty stand-up solid guy

After a heartbreak you gotta move on
J found love after not too long
The sexiest man that he'd ever seen
But he wanted too much if you know what I mean

There's a sweet sweet sadness in his green green eyes
He's a pretty stand-up solid guy

Yeah my friend J is a pretty great guy
But there's a haunting sadness in his pretty green eyes

Long story short, Junior didn't really appreciate the hit.

He broke up with Chip, and it was a little messy when Señor Senior Senior heard about the song and threatened a lawsuit over defamation, but it didn't pan out.

Chip never really seemed to realize that their relationship was more than some weird friends-with-benefits situation, where he benefited with inspiration by being Junior's "friend," despite some cute couple pics and occasionally bragging about "teaching a supermodel how to kiss."

All told, it was less awful than Juandissimo, but still took its toll. Junior still had a hard time listening to public radio.
"So. What did we learn from Tooth Fetish Man?"

"Clover, stop."

"What? He made, like, over a million dollars from it."



"I guess… I know Junior liked how complimentary he was. And he took time to talk about Junior's interests?"

"Yeah, that's true."

Onto the list went:
- Compliments Junior
- Willing to share hobbies with Junior
- Patient?

"Alright. Skylark down. Next?"

Bradley looked at the list, crossing off Chip.


"Oh no, who??”


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