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I was the daughter of a witch, "bruska" as they say in his language.

And he was a knight who'd had big pride for his home country.

"Amori." He'd call me often when he wanted my attention.

I loved it when he visited me often after his daily passes.

"Yes, dura." Which in my language translates to, 'Yes, dear.'

We were in love. And I am not afraid to admit it.

But in the world I was born in, we are not accepted as a couple.

"Dura...what's your dying wish?"

The response I expected was something that had to do with his home country.

The country he adores more than anyone.

"My dying wish? I'm not dying now am I?"

He'd smile at me.

His smile always made butterflies fluttering inside of me.

"No, dura. I only ask out of curiosity."

He hesitated at answering my dearing question at first.

But then went ahead and told me.

"My dying wish is for us to meet in the afterlife. In a world we will be accepted as a couple."

We both smiled with flushed faces.

We were poisoned with love at the time.

One day, people had found out who I was.

Knights who worked in the same district as Arion had followed him.

"We knew you were hiding something."

I was afraid. We both were.

"What do you guys want? I've done nothing but serve my home country. Is my service not enough to pay for my privacy?"

Arion stood in front of me.

I mounted his horse and stood at watch, ready to take off when things went bad.

"You dare draw your sword at your fellow comrades?"

The man who spoke had no right to.

"We know you've been hanging around a witch. Is that her?"


The love I thought was there.

Was just an illusion.

Arion's comrades managed to convince him to go against me.

"Don't you love our country? Why betray us in such a way."

I looked from Arion to the other knights.

"No. Of course not. I didn't betray Mother Teresa."

Mother Teresa is his home country. The one he loves no dearly.

"Then come back to us, knight. Let's take down this threat that stands behind you."

Arion turned to face me. His eyes were shaken and so were mine.

I shook my head in disbelief.

", you love me! You love me with all your heart!"

The warmth I saw in his green eyes were no longer there.

Now, it was just burning flames.

"Do not call me "Dura", Bruska."

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