About Your House

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Ok, so this is basically all about the house you were sorted into.

You are very competitive, and most likely popular. People around you constantly want to be your friend because they think you can win them popularity. Although you have a little "squad", you have many acquaintances and enemies. You easily get mad, but hold onto the things you love, and they all have worth to you.

You are in Hufflepuff! You are really like able be can be very shy and snappy at times. You highly value friendship and family and never "let" anyone be unhappy because you cheer them up. A lot of people think you are crazy and some think you are the slightest bit annoying

You often refer to yourself as normal but that is the exact opposite thing other people think of you as. You like it when you have done something to help others and like to smile. Although you are sort of akward with this friends thing you have a very close cliche.

You are very hard working and self determined. You recover quickly from
Insults and tragedies. Many people think of you as shy but sweet and wise at making decisions. In your free time you like to be in a comforting place with a good book for about an hour.

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