Moony Jr. x Fred Weasley

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So I know I've still got a couple of smut requests to do but I'm not feeling smutty today so have this instead :) The Fred plot line is more of a sub plot because it originally had no romantic interested then I made Draco the romantic interest before realising they'd be cousins so yeah bit of a mess but I make up for it by how long this chapter is!
In case it's not clear enough, Y/n is in in the year between Harry and the twins:)

"I still don't understand why I can't keep going to Beauxbatons, dad.", Y/n grumbled.

"Y/n, you were on your last warning before being expelled so you'd be coming to Hogwarts within a week. I thought that this would be easier especially since I'll be teaching there."

"I know and I'm happy I'll be able to see you more but-"

"Can we talk about this another time, Y/n/n? Yesterday was the full moon."

"Sorry, I'll let you sleep.", Y/n nodded and fished out a book from her bag.

"Come on this is the only one where there's room.", someone said from outside the compartment and a pretty girl leaned in, "Do you mind if my friends and I sit here?"

"Not at all.", replied Y/n.

"Thanks.", said a boy with red hair as he sat down and another boy echoed his words but Y/n had stopped listening.

"Holy shit.", she said, "Dad is not going to believe this. You're Harry Potter!"

"Yes.", he said in a tired and almost dismissive tone.

"No, no I'm not some fangirl! You and I played in a paddling pool together when we were babies - that sounded weird. Look, our parents were friends.", Y/n said a manic smile plastered onto her face, "I'm Y/n Lupin, nice to meet you. You want to see some embarrassing baby photos of us?"

Harry looked taken aback but curious nonetheless, "I'll pass, thanks.", he mumbled.

"Oh, come on, Hazza, it'll be fun.", Y/n smiled and pulled out her wand.

"Hazza?", the three friends muttered.

"Accio photo album.", she said and out of one of the bags perched upon the luggage rack a thick book flew out, "Dad would never let me leave for school without it.", she explained.

Hermione was slowly looking Y/n up and down but the other girl couldn't care less; she was used to it. Y/n had y/h/l, dyed hair and several ear piercings as well as one through her nose, she wore muggle clothes and topped it of with dr martins and an old, too big leather jacket. Ron was the first to comment on it, "How did you get all those rings in your ears, and your nose?", he asked and Hermione cringed slightly next to him.

"Did them myself, wouldn't stop bleeding though so I had to get my dad to heal them.", she replied, "I did my hair fully the muggle way though."

"Are you muggle born?", asked Hermione.

"Nah, dad's a halfblood though, I don't know my mum.", Y/n replied and picked up the album, "So wanna see it or not?"

"Who's that?", Harry asked as they flicked through the photos. Y/n leant over and had a look, it was a picture of two a toddler and baby suspended in the air while a woman with red hair shouted at a man with glasses and another man with long black hair, he faced away from the camera so his face wasn't visible however it was clear from the way his shoulders shook that he was laughing - wand still pointing at the giggling babies.

"Dunno, dad never gave me a straight answer.", Y/n mumbled, "The other man and woman are your parents though, he must've been their friend though since they were all hanging out together. It was my dad who took the photo. He shows up on lots of these photos but it's always the back of his head or just his legs or arms or whatever, never his face anyway."

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