Chapter 2: August 25th, 2350

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"Are you serious?" Mizu replied to his divisional officer. He showed an expression of frustration and anger on his face.

"I am afraid so," the commander replied in a Southeastern Asian accent. He sat at his desk as he put his hands together on the table.

It had been almost over a year and a half since the deadly attack on Batrice. Many things seemed to have changed as Mizu was a little bit older now. He was standing in a small luxurious office. Compared to over a year ago, Mizu's attire was much different now. He was now wearing a UHN jumpsuit. The familiar red and blue colors of the uniform and black magnetic boots gave the testament that he had succeeded in his mission. In the center of his uniform was the rank insignia of a petty officer 3rd class. He was a little bit stockier now, with more muscle tone to his body. Even his hair was cut short a little bit more to fit military regulations.

"Ugh......." Mizu waved his hand at his divisional officer. "What? Did they make you bend over backwards and serve the rest of the COC for this?"

The commander seemed used to the somewhat playful antics of Mizu that he didn't take the comment too seriously. Mizu was used to this room. It was a pristine place. It wasn't a large room, but the office consisted of a luxury style red and blue carpet. The finely metal-crafted desk was positioned in the center, with several chairs lined throughout the area. Throughout the walls were several displays that depicted the live feeds of surrounding areas, including the vast hangar bay of Fort Batrice. One of the displays was a wall-mounted rotating picture display that showed photographs of most likely the officer's family and achievements. The typical officer's room depicted the fantastic luxuries of being a high-ranking official of the station.

Standing in a relaxed composure next to him was a woman that was taller but also wearing a military UHN jumpsuit. Being skinny, she was lankier in appearance. Her facial features were more reminiscent of a person whose bloodline followed from places such as Malaysia or Indonesia. Her skin complexion was darker than Mizu's paler face, and her hair was also cut short so drastically that some would mistake her for a man by accident. It was a common issue for people with longer hair. Gravity got in everyone's way, and the military rules were final. To prevent hair from getting into a person's face, the hair had to be cut down or tied up. Women generally suffered the most because of this rule, and they had to choose between having it cut short or tied up into a bun. This woman decided to have it almost taken off her head completely.

" offense, but what the fuck?" the woman almost angrily replied in a thick Southeast Asian accent to the commander. "We are pilots. We take up the roles and responsibilities of helping move the shit around this station. Now you are asking us to take up this role too?"

"I am afraid so, Hamiza," the commander replied to the woman as Mizu looked upon him. The commander was a seemingly understandable person that Mizu knew well. Even for the rank of a high official, Commander Trai was a person who started as an enlisted and worked his way up. He once claimed that his family descended from both Vietnam and Cambodia back on former Earth. His facial features even showed a hint of this as well. Unlike the other two, he wore a prominent red and blue officer's attire. He had a large handlebar mustache that he properly kept maintained as he looked upon the other two.

"Are you going to be informing the other pilots as well?" Hamiza asked with annoyance in her voice.

"Yes, I will, but that will be for tomorrow's plan of the day," Trai said.

"I can't believe that you are going to do this," Mizu commented as he waved his hand at him. "Being a pilot is hard work as it is. Now you are asking us to start taking up duty section watches?"

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