Closer to the lemon.

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You start to yawn. "YoU tIrEd SIS?" "Yeah, a little." he picks you up bridal style. "WeLl I tHiNk ItS tImE fOr BeD tHeN sIs," he let out a very silent chuckle. You blush deeply.

He takes you to your room and lays you down on your bed. He lays down next to you. "LiStEn SIS i HaVe To TeLl YoU sOmEtHiNg...FrOm ThE fIrSt TiMe I sAw YoU...i KnEw ThAt YoU aRe ThE oNe FoR mE...sO wHaT iM tRyInG tO sAy Is... Im FlUsHeD fOr YoU (y/N)," "I-I'm flushed..f-for you to G-Gamzee." He smiled that.

Gamzee x Reader LemonWhere stories live. Discover now