Part 2

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Draco Malfoys pov-

Blaise and I flooed to Diagon Ally. The whole time people were staring at us because we're former Deatheaters. We were halfway done shopping when I decide to ask about Blaises sister.

"So, do you know what house she's in?" I ask him.

"What?" He looks at me confused.

"Your sister, do you know what house she's in?"

"Oh," he realized. "No, all I know is the spell that keeps her hair in check should have worn off because we're of age. So, all we have to look for is a girls hair changing colors. Should be easy enough, right?" Blaise asked.

"I don't know," I say honestly. Out of the side of my eye I see a familiar group of people. "Great, the Golden Trio plus Weaslette." I point out to Blaise.

"Let's just finish getting what we need." He says as he pulls me into Flourish and Blotts to get our school books.

Hermione pov-

I arrived at Diagon Ally a few minutes late. Luckily I found Ginny, Harry and Ron in The Leaky Cauldron.

"Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late." I said to them as I gave Ginny a hug.

"Don't worry about it, 'Mione." Ginny told me.

"We were just having some butter beer." Harry said.

"Well, let's go. We have a lot of shopping to get done." I told them. Around 2:45 we were almost done. We were laughing when out of the side of my eyes I saw Malfoy and Zabini. I couldn't hear them but Malfoy said something and Zabini looked our way and then pulled Malfoy in behind him. I didn't know what store they went into and I didn't care. I was brought back to reality when I heard my name.

" 'Mione, are you okay?" Ron asked me as he put his arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine just thinking. What did you say?"

"Were should we go next?" Harry repeated.

"Let's go to Quality Quidditch Supplies. I need a new broom." Ginny complained.

"You three go ahead. We can meet up back the Leaky Cauldron in half a hour. I'm gonna go buy our school books. Okay?" I told them.
"Okay, here's the money for my books." Ginny handed me the money and the three Quidditch players took of in the opposite direction.

I walked into Flourish and Blotts. I finished getting all of our books but stayed and decided to keep looking around. I then notice a familiar platinum blonde head. Trying to avoid trouble, I try to sneak out without him seeing me.

"Granger, no backup today?" I hear him call from behind me.

Dang it.

"What do you want, ferret?" I asked as I slowly turned around.

"Just saying hi. Is that so hard to believe?" Malfoy said with a smirk on his face.

"From you, yes." I replied. "Do you really have nothing better to do than annoy me?"

"Actually, I do need to get going. Blaise, you ready?" It was only then did I notice the boy standing behind Malfoy.

"Yeah, lets go. See you later, Granger."

"Bye, Zabini." I didn't have to much of a problem with Zabini. He never really said anything to me. He and Malfoy walked out and I stayed inside the store for 5 more minutes, just to make sure I didn't run into them on my way out. I walked over to the Leaky Cauldron and saw all three of my friends, sitting and smiling.

I dat down before I said anything. "Hey guys, So I have some pretty big news and Ginny already knows. When I got my hogwarts letter it also said the I am," I waited a minute, just for suspense. "Head Girl!"

"Congrats, babe" Ron said as he got up to give me a kiss.

"Thanks, Ron."

"I'm not surprised, you deserve it."

"Anyway are you two sure you can't come finish your last year?"

"Sorry,'Mione but we have to start our Auror training." Harry said.

"It just won't be the same without you two." "Well, we still have one week before school starts. Why don't you stay at the Burrow for our last week?" Ginny recommended.

"Yeah, thats a great idea. Mom wouldn't mind, she loves having you over." Ron pitched in.

"Yeah, I can floo over there tonight because I still have to finish packing."

"Okay, then we'll see you tonight. Bye babe." Ron said as he gave me one more kiss before walking away.

"Your staying in my room like always, right?" Ginny asked.

"Of course, see you later." I gave her a hug and Harry one. "See you soon."

After they were gone I sat down and had one more butter beer before going home.

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