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I will be changing Girlfriends name to Lucy.

drr. drr. drr. drr-


"Hey, Keith! Lets head to the park, Lila wants me to watch Skid for a bit."

"Yeah, sure!"

Where are my keys? He looked around a bit. He looked under the couch pillows and on the counter. Oh.. Keith slid his car keys off their holder and exited his apartment. He swung his keys around his index finger, walking out into the parking lot.


He stopped. Keith looked down at the keys he held in his hand. Strange.. 

Loose asphalt gritted under his shoes as he finally neared his car. He reached for the handle. 


He slid into the drivers seat. 


He clutched  his chest. The hell?.. He took his cap off and turned on the car. It rumbled a bit before piping down. He gripped the steering wheel.


He let go of the wheel. Ruffling his hair, he slumped in his seat.


"What about you Keith? What're you gonna get? I have enough money for all of us." Darnell turned in his seat to look at Keith. "Probably just a soda," Keith tapped his fingers on the car door. "Pico?" Darnell looked at the ginger boy, "Im getting the biggest size for everything, this is the only time i get to eat like this!" Darnell nodded, smiling.

The three boys laughed, pratically crying. "Did you really say that??" Pico asked, clutching his stomach. "Yeah, 'course i did! She was pratically fuming!" The laughter died down. "I cant wait for this movie. I've been waiting for it forever!" Keith couldnt help but smile wide. He was so excited. "You're that excited?" Pico asked, leaning in his seat, "well i heard-" "A-bup bup! I dont want ANY spoilers." Keith put his hand up, Pico laughed, bringing it down. "Darnell, we almost there?" Pico asked. "Uh-huh, we just have to get off the freeway!" There was a comfortable silence. 

"Hey Keith, have y-"

A deafening screech could be heard.

The smell of burning rubber.

Keith couldnt see anything.

He couldnt feel anything, all he knew was that everything hurt.

He heard something, but everything became muffled. 

... it doesnt hurt anymore. 

It smells like latex..

Keith slowly blinked open his eyes, it was blinding, as if he was staring straight into the sun. He tried lifting a hand to rub his eyes, but there was something on his arm. His lifted his other, rubbing away the blurriness. 

beep... beep... beep... beep...

He blinked a couple more times.

It wasnt so bright anymore.

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