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I do not own pokemon or the pictures

First, you may need to know this. Yes Ash will be not dense but will act dense. He be a lot more intelligence that in the anime. He will have access Aura and Aura evolution. Mega evolution, Z-moves, dynamax will all be fair game for Ash's pokemon. If you have any ideas for new pokemon for Ash let me know. Fan made game pokemon are allowed for this.
Pokemon so far he well have
Female Aura Ralts tri type(Fire, Fairy, Psychic)
Female Aura Riolu type (Fighting Dragon)(will gain steel upon evolution)
Male Aura Pikachu type (electric and steel)                                                                                                              Male Aura Froakie duel type (water and ice) (gains dark upon final evolution)                                  Male Aura Charmander duel ( fire and electric) (gains dragon upon final evolution)(gave one type add on and one type change)                                                                                                                              If you have any more let me know delta pokemon add one type to the pokemon typing.

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