Prologue part 1

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I do not own pokemon or the pictures

Now we see an endless expanse of void. A place without form, shape or time. This existenced before anything ever existenced. In fact never shall anything existece without a certain spark that shall give rise to everything. We see a large expanse of boundless light within the void but without shape, size, or form. The light itself does bear great intelligence. Far greater than any will ever be know in all of creation in this universe or any other. For this light represented the bondless possibilites that exist with the code of creation, intelligence.
The light grew sad for it only existenced alone without anything to talk to so the light came with an idea. The light will create something new, life and so the light began to feed it power into a more solid form not of energy nor spirt but matter. A solid true form so it can interact with life it creates and apon this act he turned some of his light into an egg. This light continued to feed the egg as it grow in size but also small creatures begin to be formed as well form the light. The light gave form to these creatures so when the egg hatch it will not be lonely like itself is. These creatures are what we now called Pokemon for he created the first which are called Unknowns. Granted them the power when in large groups to created anything form their imagination and by doing so the light grow in strength. For these Pokemon can act and think for themselves for they bear intelligence which grow with in them.

As the light shaped the egg, it grow and grow but other eggs begin to come into begin taking form like the first, like the egg of Arceus. As time pass the intelligence bore with in the eggs grow to the point like unto the light itself. As a pulse of energy begin to come into the universe feeding into the two of the eggs, the first and second eggs but only the first that was born begin to hatch. A white creature with golden hooves and a golden ring around it waist with black coloring on it body was born. Arceus' egg was the first to hatch as the newborn goddess slowly opens her green eyes. Once she blinks to look upon what it has been born into,  universe without any shape or form. Then again she blinks to adjust to the endless void and the very bright light, which is her creator. Then she saw the Unknowns and the other eggs born into the universe. She was born into this universe but not alone. With other who exist in this universe other forms of life. A small smile was present upon her face as she look upon the life that exists. As a second pulse of energy was born into this universe, far stronger than the first feeding to the eggs that have not hatched grating all an equal share of the energy. 

We see a second egg that began to hatch. We see a two legged creature covered in scales with wings. One of the wings seem to be made out of pure white feathers fused with a Fairy wing. The over is a demons wing with fused with pich black feathers. A long tail coming to end like a blade. Hands like to a human wearing a metal gantlet. Chest covered in scales forming armor. Teeth sharper and stronger than a sharks. Scales are harder than any known metal. Face covered in scales like a helmet only seeing his mouth and eyes. Ears comes to a point like unto an elves. This is the second born of the Light. He is called by many names but most know is Aurarexius(Prounced Aura as well aura. Rex latin for king and ius mean of. Name mean king of Aura. I know not very creative but ha it works right.),lord of aura, younger sibling to Arceus. 

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