Golden Burgundy (rewritten)

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Every Wednesday, at six PM, the most dangerous people come together under one roof, for just one night of sophistication, and prestige. We have bounty hunters, assassins, hit men and women. You name it, and guarantee they were gathering here.

I lived here in the mansion that is hosting tonights event and Although I loved these nights of dress-up it became lonesome attending them and hosting without a partner. It was discouraged to take partners in this, what you may call cult, but we still did on the down low. Everyone except me. Even the children pursued romantic interests all the time, So why wasn't I?

I recognized the echoing soft footsteps approaching the door and waited for William to announce himself as he always did.

"Ma'am it is currently five-thirty, the guests will be here shorty." He stood in the door way waiting for my response, but after a few moments of silence, he left out once again leaving me be. I let out a sigh glad that he understood that I heard him even though he is the one who raised me up into the fine assassin I am today. 

I felt the room begin to spin around me, a recurring symptom I have after a nasty blow to my head. I leaned my head back against the top of the couch and squeezed my hand around the wine filled glass as the spinning continued.

"Why couldn't my life turn out to be normal" I mumbled to myself trying to hold back the urge to throw up. "I could be a doctor, or lawyer. Someone who doesn't have to work this hard."

I lifted my head back up and looked straight at the large flat screen in front of me.

"Because your parents weren't shit, Leone." remembering that these people left me on the stairs of Williams home as a child. He took me in and kept me warm in my own room, and brought me the prettiest clothes. Those were during his days of being an active hitman and unsurprisingly I was so happy when he retired. He never had me call him dad, just William. 

The spinning had finally stopped and the last bit of wine in my cup was thrown down my throat.  My body hoisted itself off the couch by some unknown power and I took myself to the bathroom to get ready. The water was boiling hot just how I liked it and I was in and out, pouring oils on my skin after cleaning. 

I left the short towel on for a few minutes checking myself out in the bathroom mirror which was slowly defogging. I was slim. Not too slim but slim enough. My breast were just enough for a handful and my ass fit my body as well. I've been know as "well proportioned." A strange compliment, but a common one. 

I started to sway my hips in the mirror as I put on my black lace briefs and bra since I decided to wear a dress tonight. Only the hair on the half of my head was slicked back and pinned while the rest flowed down to my shoulders in coils.

I tapped the mirror and a small display of the time came on showing 17:45, making my heart race.

"Time to get dressed!" I called out hurriedly and made a beeline for my outfit. Slow orchestral tunes played in the background getting me in the mood for tonight slightly settling me.

Tonight was a gold dress with an exposing back. The dress was a slimming kind and had a slit in the side for my leg. It started from the crease of my hip and ran down exposing my tattooed leg that held the design of a winged dragon on it. I slipped on my heels not caring about my make up other than some lip balm and was out the door telling myself that natural beauty definitely has its perks.

The room itself powered down as soon as I commanded it and I made the walk down the hall to where the guests were filing in. They all wore dresses and suits polished and tapered. Everyone looked so good, I thought while licking my lips 

"Are you ready, Leone?" William came behind me startling me. His grin became wide at my jumpy nature. 

"Dammit, William..." I yelled and he just laughed. I couldn't help but feel relaxed at his smile. His attitude was always so contagious. Without completing the sentence, I had wandered off towards the line of people waiting to come in. I saw a few friends come in and they greeted me properly as the made their way into my home. A few had actual dates, but my best friend of course has her significant other as she was the next leader of this entire organization. We chatted for a while and then she left.

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