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June 5, 2005

So now I'm in my bunk, at the first venue, whilst all the other guys are out drinking. Being on tour is a lot of work but I love doing it for the kids. But now I have time to catch up on what happened today.

I had almost forgotten about the Pete incident on New Years, but Pete texted me for the first time since that night. It's not like we forgot about each other, is just between rehearsals and getting ready to tour, neither of us had time to text. We just arrived at the venue, our buses lined up in perfect rows, it was about noonish so there was enough time to do stuff today. Anyways, Pete texted me asking if I wanted to go get coffee since Patrick was still sleeping. I needed to get out of this hot, cramped bus so I agreed.

When we met I noted how he looked exactly the same as six months ago, minus the black hoodie. Normally I'd never take off my black jacket but it's a particularly hot summer so I wore a simple white tee that drooped off my thin torso.

"Mikeyway" the man smiled.

"Peter Pan" I murmured, deciding that those are going to be our nicknames for each other.

I've known Pete for a while but we weren't close friends, but when you're on tour for a long time you begin to grow bonds with people. Pete seems like a nice guy too, someone I wouldn't mind being friends with. I can't help but wonder if he remembers new years, he was drunk, we both were. But I'm not going to bring it up, it was just a silly kiss.

We both ordered some form of coffee at the local Starbucks and found a nice seat in the corner. We made pointless small talk but it was hard to focus on what he was saying. I just kept trying to figure out if I liked him as more than a friend. It's possible, due to his undeniably good looks and sparkling personality but I'm not really the type of person to have a crush easily.

On the walk back it was still hot and the streets were more crowded, making me bump into him more than I felt comfortable with.

It was only two and we don't actually play a show until tomorrow so Pete invited me into his bus. No one was in there and for some reason it was surprisingly clean. On my bus, there was clothes, make up, food and everything inbetween scattered everywhere. I wish I could blame the hyper active Frank Iero and Ray Toro but I didn't make an effort to clean it up either.

"You know, you're a pretty cool dude" he told me as we sat down in the back lounge. Aside from the cleanliness, their bus was almost identical to mine.

I felt heat rise to my cheeks, never doing well with compliments. "Youre a sweet little dude too"

He laughed for a moment then shifted awkwardly. "You're pretty cute too"

I didn't know how to reply to it, but staring at him with shock wasn't the best move either.

Luckily, Patrick entered the lounge, running at full speed and jumping on top of Pete, giggling his name.

"Trick" Pete groaned, trying to get the older man off of him like he was a large dog who hadn't seen his owner since he left for the grocery store an hour ago.

I didn't bother to offer help either, I just sat there laughing pretty hard.

"You'll never guess what" Patrick bounced back up, not bothering to wait for one of us to answer. "I heard that the stage Warped is letting us play on is like, the best."

Pete nodded, already knowing this information. "We're playing right before you guys" he tells me.

"So I'll see you guys play" I confirm, feeling a buzz against my thigh from my phone. It was a text from Gerard telling me to get back to the bus for a family meeting. Which I was thankful for, Pete's a cool guy but I still feel awkward around him knowing what he did at that one night at midnight.

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