Chapter 15: Freedom

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Louis' legs spread across Harry's lap on the leather loveseat across from Anne's recliner. They had just finished dinner and were in the living room talking about how their semester is going and how much it was truly taking out of them. Harry is so close to being done and having his master mechanic certifications tests complete, and Louis wasn't sure if he'd ever get there.

"Y'know, I'm just tired of submitting all of my work and never getting any recognition. My grades are great, but I'd love some love from a publisher or two." Anne perked up at the conversation happening on the couch across from her. She was growing to enjoy Louis' company around the house, and even learning how to be around him without Harry there as a buffer all the time. They were learning how to co-exist together despite the awkwardness from the first day they met.

"I just don't want to be a restaurant manager for the rest of my life, I want people to know my name." Louis knew that Harry hated when he complained. Harry had a very 'if you want it, go get it' type of way of thinking, and Louis would rather having things happen naturally. Anne interrupted the conversation with a heavy cough, enough to get their attention.

"Louis, can you read me something you wrote, maybe? I can't help you, but I want to believe in you and your work. Please?" Harry's eyes went wide at his mother's sudden desire to understand his boyfriend. Louis took a deep inhale through his nose and blew it out before shaking his head yes.

"I wrote this one not too long ago, it's probably one of my best." He sat upright on the couch and detangled his legs from Harry's.

"This is called Waiting." After he told Anne the name of the poem, he shot a sincere look in Harry's direction whose facial expression was urging him to go on. Louis cleared his throat, and began.

"I thought we could wait for the credits,

the scenes no one watches,

the parts everyone leaves during.

And I thought we could wait for the song to end,

when the last name scrolls by,

I thought we could wait until it was over.

Welcome to the premier,

I've never seen it so empty.

I thought we could wait until the end,

but we didn't know the end was so near.

But I never knew what it was to be unwelcome,

especially by a cinema with open seats.

And I never witnessed such a beautiful story line,

with such intricate main characters.

It was a thriller,

from start to finish we were glued to it.

We were glued to each other,

and I thought we could wait.

I didn't know time was going so fast,

I thought we could wait until the last person leaves,

until the only thing left in the empty room were the kernels at the bottom of the bag,

until the lights came on.

And I thought we could wait for love,

but things like that don't wait for anyone.

Especially when love is easy,

and waiting is so, so hard. "

Harry's eyes were glued to Louis' mouth as he read. The room was quiet with the faint sound of the leather underneath Louis' shifting body.

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