2.4: L&W Rules - Some Things are Better Left Unsaid

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Saturday came, my Father announced he'd bring me to the final meeting with the big bosses of both companies, but not just me, Erika and Rachel followed along too. I still hadn't made any successful contact with Hamish since he left us alone last night, his final text message told us that everything's fine and he left the office to go do something for Nathaniel to deal with the information we found in the folders.

Something didn't seem right afterwards.

I really wanted to know if he was okay, and it was all I could think of all night. Dominic arrived around 7 o'clock and woke me up the morning after, he didn't look like he had too much to drink the night before, but he seemed to be in a hurry as dropped my things off on the way to the gym and meet his Parents for lunch. However, he rubbed it in my face that he didn't need to work on a weekend, but I shrugged him off and left for the showers to get ready to leave with my Father.

"Boo," Erika pulled me into her office, she leaned close and whispered, "Don't you think it's a bit weird that we found the information and Nathaniel suddenly calls in to pry it off our hands?"

"I know, something isn't right." I mumbled. "I can't put my finger on it, but something's going to happen."

"I find it even weirder that we're suddenly going to go see the bosses again. There weren't traces of loopholes and badly written fine prints anywhere, so something - or maybe someone - must have played a major part here, or else we're all getting screwed over." She must've thought about this a lot last night too.

"But what are we going to do? We're nothing compared to the partners."

"We can always tell your Father-"

"-No freaking way, if we're telling my Father, both of us are out of this case and be left in the gutter!"

"The only thing I can think of is really try and get a hold of Hamish and hear out what happened." She suggested, her eyes filled with desperation, like she really wanted to find out the truth. "Because I'm sure that Nathaniel didn't expect Hamish to be the one to turn up in his office last night. He called you, and there's got to be a reason-"

"Erika," I stopped her. I held onto her arm and stared her right in the eyes, my nerves went frantic as it knew that I am considering telling my best friend about Nathaniel's advances towards me.

"Let's just hear out Hame first."

Or not.

"And we can work from there." I added as I gave her a hug, something I thought I should give her since I just lied to her face about what she asked. I didn't want to tell her yet, if she knew, I already knew her reaction - despite how much she truly loved her job in Lawler & Walsh.

"You're not lying right?" She muffled.

"Nope." Still lying.

"Alright, come on, before we get in trouble for being late," She changed the topic and linked her arms with me as we walked out together.

There were some employees who came to the office to do additional work, the other senior associates were still scattered about in their own offices, some just woke up from a late night. Well, we all had a long night, but they may have had a longer one as Erika and I fell asleep no later than two in the morning and woke up at around seven. My Father went home, he had a reason to go home as Antonia was pregnant - liar - he left us all to do his work and he went to go to a bar and catch up with Judge Cole and a few of his friends. Dominic told me he caught my Father at the same bar he was in and looked less likely to go home to Antonia.

On our way down, the elevator became a less likely area to have a discussion about our discovery. Erika looked eager to keep pushing it as a topic, but as some overnight employees in the building began to fill the space of the elevator, we began to shut our lips tighter and lock it to make sure we wouldn't spill unnecessary information. I certainly won't allow that, if Nathaniel found out both Erika and I knew something, we'd be screwed for good, and I definitely won't let my Father know.

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