The happiest home in these hills

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Back in the movie*

There is a nice town that is having a nice quiet time, not even a care in the world*

They're lived a dragon pony hybrid creatures called Kirins

SkekZos and the raptors looked*

Spittor So this is the town that sacrificed the finest women?

Haxx- By any means necessary

SkekZos: Let's go. *as they went to the town*

The kirins stopped and stared at them

Bad Rap: Greetings fine Kirins, we came to warn you about your future!

The mute kirins gasped in shock as theor leader Rain Shine came to them

SkekZos: Hello Rain Shine.

Rain Shine waves

SkekZos showed her the crystal ball on the sceptor: In one more day, tonight the most powerful dragon Singe will come to your town and burn it to ashes.

Rain Shine looks in horror.

SkekZos: But there is hope to save your town.

The crystal ball shows Savy*

SkekZos: This is the lovely toon Savy of the Toon kingdom, you must put a sacrifice dress on her and tie her to the poles for Singe to take her away and spare your village.

The kirins looked at each other and at their ruler before she reluctantly nodded

Bad Rap: Heed the warning kirins.

SkekZos and the raptors left, the raptors turned back to normal*

Screech laughs: It worked!

Fleischer- ( Glares ) You know you didn't have to do that.

Thud: Well everyone spread rumors about us lying raptors.

Fleischer- Still , our part of the plan worked as we took care of ours. We Kivouachians maybe sinful but don't like being taken advantage of

SkekZos: True, now come, let's go.

But meanwhile in the deep forest*

Grover: Maisie.....

Willie: Where's that little rat!?

Croc monster carries Maisie as Thief is on his back*

Maisie: They're going to find us soon. We better hide.

Croc monster nodded and camouflages, Thief and Maisie hide in the log*

Thief- Shh...

Maisie nodded yes*

The Gogans came out: Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhh!

Mrs. Gogan: She's gone that way!

Mr. Gogan: She went this way!

Willie and Grover: She's up a tree!

Mr. and Mrs. Gogan: I think.

Mrs. Gogan: Oh Maisie! Oh Maisie, where are you? Please come back oh Maisie, oh Maisie. *both* Your like a daughter to us, we miss you, we miss you, if I get near her you can bet I won't, miss her with this!

Croc- Shh...

Mrs. Gogan: I'll cook you cake and gingerbread, bring you tea in bed, on a tray

Mr. Gogan: We'll slave while you go fishin', you'll get permission to run and play

Mrs. Gogan: These tears oughta show you I care, come back.

All: By crackin' we"ll share the happiest home in these hills, in these hills.

Willie and Grover: Gonna stag her, gag her, drag her through town, put her head in the river, let the pup drown

Trap her, strap her, wrap her in a sack, yeah....

Tie him screamin' to a railroad track *as they laughed*

Thief shakes in fear

Mr. Gogan: We'll have you sing in chapel, you'll be the apple of Mama's eye.

Mrs. Gogan: I'll tend to all you sewing, and do your mowing, so just rely on me

All: Dang, we know you're out there, it's late!

We're waiting to share the happiest home in these hills, in these hills.

Grover and Willie: Gonna paw her, claw her, saw her in half, when she cries out for mercy, we'll just laugh

Beat her, heat her, eat her for desert, yeah......

Mrs. Gogan: Roast her gently so the flames won't hurt. *as they laughed*

Thief shudders along with Maisie

Maisie hears them coming*

Croc used his tail to whack Grover and Willie in the mud*

Grover: Hey! You pushed me!

Thief looks in surprise

Willie and Grover fight*

Mr. Gogan: Hey break it up! *as he tries to break them up but he slipped and fell in the mud*

Mrs. Gogan: Why are you all in the mud while trying to find the girl?!

Grover: Aw mom, why don't we go home?!

Mrs. Gogan: Not yet until you find that brat!

Croc's tail pushed her in the mud*

Thief runs

Thief is camouflaged as a rock*

Grover: Mom, why don't we buy another orphan?

Mrs. Gogan: I spend my last 50 dollars on her. Now don't just stand there and help me up! *as they get up*

All: Maisie, Maisie.... You'll swim, and you'll go campin', you'll be a champ in your own backyard.

Our love is overflowin', it keeps on goin'

We'll sleep good knowin' you're hooooooome, in these hills

We're gonna string her from a tree

In these hills

We're gonna sting her like a bee

In these hills

We're gonna spill her on his head

In these hills

We're gonna fill her full of lead

In these hills

In these hills

In these hills *as they left*

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