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Hey guys so as you can tell I am making a new story... hopefully better and, I suck at making introductions to a story so my bad.... but please give it a shot. Peace.

"Keely its not like were summoning the devil. Calm down. Besides they say that if you call upon Asmodeus then he will grant you with raunchy sex". Jade, my best-freind says to me.

I furrow my brows and scrunch my eyes close. "Jade that sounds nasty and makes me want to puke. Nasty images of you and a scary looking man having sex is invaidng my head". I say smiling.

Jade shurgs and I see Sophia walking towards us with the ouiji board. I shake my head and hold my hands up. "Guys I really think this is a bad idea. I'm a Christian and this is disobeying all my beliefs". I say shakily.

Jade and Sophia grab my hands and yank me into the old abandoned mill. This was going against all of my beliefs. Jade and Sophia always thought that I was the scardey cat of the gropu. Always telling them to think twice before they do something.

Right now I have the right to be scared s'h'i't'less. There calling upon a demon for f'u'c'ks sake! "Guys your really shouldnt be doing this". I say to them. I look around the old mill. Dust floats everywhere, and old wooden chairs and shattered glass scatter the floor.

Its silly really but I really do think this place is haunted by a famous person. I dont know why I just think its haunted by Marylin Monroe. Of course its not true.

I could here the peice of wood and glass slide across the wood of the ouiji board. "We call upon Asmodeus"! Jade shouts out.

I wanted to laugh at the way she shouted it out, but I could only tremble in fear as a wave of icy wind pushes me to the floor. I groan in pain when I feel my side land on a piece of wood.

I could hear the gasps, and shreiks of terror come from Sophia and Jade as a figure appears in front of them.

"You call upon me for a reward of sex. When in all reality all you want is a scare. Why do you think that is ok? I sense that you are awfully young yes"? A deep british voice asks.

I struggle to take in air when Jade answers him. "Yes sir. My friends and I are young".

In all honesty I wanted to wring her neck. I tried to stop her so therefore I am no part of this. He chuckled and the black smoke that surrounded him twitched and swivled.

I could just make out the black souless eyes of a demon, watching me nad then landing back onto my two dumba's's friends. I shivered in fear as a breeze of icy wind brushed against my legs, and throat. I didnt say anything though.

"Your friend over there I do believe is younger than you to yes"? He asked. Both nodded and whimpered, when he ran a clawed black hand across the top of their head.

I stood up and doubled over in pain. That peice of wood seriously punched me. I took a deep breath and stood up facing Asmodeus. Only he was right in front of me. Black eyes twinkled in amusement at my fear. The black smoke that covered him twirled and dipped. Never once dd they reveal him.

I gasped and quickly took a step back. "Tell me why you think it is okay to call upon me and ask for sex". He said easily.

Jade gulped visibly and answered. "We wanted to see just how great it would actually be".

My mouth dropped and I took a step forward. "Excuse me but I was the one telling you not to do this. Do not make me a part of it now"! I yell.

Asmodeus laughs. It was beautiful. Tempting for some reason. "She is right. Two souls pulled me here not three. Though I must say I am very offended you would bring a follower of God with you. While you were calling upon me her soul tried to push me back". He hissed the last part.

I breathed in slowly and exhaled quickly when he twirled a finger slowly in the air.

"Though you two are terribly young your innocence has been corrupted. I will allow you to give yourself to me". He says slowly. With that he looks at me and smiles. Terrifying sharp teeth greet me and I gasp.

He flicks his clawed fingers at me. "I suggest you leave Keely aince your such a goodie goodie". Sophia spits at me.

I gape at her. How can they be so calm about this?! A demon that they summoned is about to have sex with them, and do who knows what to them. I am freaked out and shocked. I turn on me heel, and go to run off.

Before I do I turn and look at them. Jade and Sophia's pants are already off. Asmodeus looks at me and smirks. I turn and run to the exit of the mill. Jade had taken her car to get here. She can find another way to get home I'm sure.

I quickly put the keys in the ignition and start the car. Instead of driving off I sit there. I try and process everything that just happened. I sigh heavily and turn the car off. I cant just leave them here.

I take my phone out and text my mom that I wont be home until four. Its eleven now so I hope they hurry up. I cringe and shiver in disgust at the thought of them doing what there doing in there.

I watch the birds and a few deer scury across the open feild. Soon after with great efort I am asleep.

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