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"Keely wake up were at your house"! A loud screechy voice yells. I groan and sit up. I fell asleep in the back seat. I must have crawled back here. I then sudenly remember what had happened to my friends.

I gasp when I see Jade and Sophia. Their hair was a mess and, their skin was glowing. I didnt ask questions. I was fumming mad. How could they do this?!

I jump out of the car and, start running to the house. I could hear Jade yelling out my name but, I didnt stop. My mothers car wasnt home yet so I could just go to bed.

I quickly run to the restroom and open the bottom drawer. I pull out ny inhaler and take two puffs. "What in the hell"? I ask to no one. "Keely are you home"?! My moter calls out. Great now shes home.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "Yea I'm here"! I reply.

I check my phone and see that I have a text from Jade.

Dont see why your freaking out it wasnt you that called him up... plus you need to take some risks... live a little


I open my mouth in shock. I'd rather be wrapped in bubble wrap and put in an air bubble for the rest of my life than be like Jade and Sophia. Hell they both have had sex numerous times. And me I'm just the scared virgin who always thinks twice.

Sometimes it pays to be as safe as I am. I walk to my room and search through my drawers for some shorts and an oversized shirt. After I've changed I sigh and lay down in my bed.

I have school tomorrow so I fall asleep. Having a nightmare of sharp white teeth and black souless eyes.


I awoke slowly. In and out of consciousness. I yawn and get up, walking over to the closet. I pull on jeans and a shirt throwing my hoodie over my head.

I throw on some black tenis shoes. I walk to the bathroom and brush my freaky hair. Its long and dirty blonde. I put it into a ponytail and start brushing my teeth.

I walk downstairs and say I love you and goodbye to mom. And out the door I went. Even though I'm thirteen I have a ranchers license. My old polished black chevy trucks sitts waiting for me.

I climb in and start towards school.

Rachel knocks on my window when I arrive. "Hey b'i't'c'h". She calls. I smile and junp out the truck.

"Hey harlot whats up". I answer. I love Rachel. We greet each other with insults.

Her black and, blue short hair flops in the Wyoming wind. "Did you get your honework done yet. For math"? I ask. The teacher here thinks were all math wizzes.

She shakes her head and the bell rings. We both say our goodbyes and gi to class.

I walk into the English room and, sigh. A guy, is sitting in my desk. I walk over and set my bag on the desktop. "Sorry but your in my seat. Could you please move"? I ask nicely. Note that I said nicely.

He looks up at me and smirks. His curly brown hair is neatly styled back out of his face and his plump pink lips are set. His green eyes twinkle in amusement.

"Say please again". He says. His voice is deep and accompanied by a strong English accent. I open my mouth to say something sarcastic but, instead I say "please".

He smirks bigger. "Please what"?

I gulp and scratch my throat. "Please get out of my seat douche nugget".

"Tsk tsk thats no way to be nice. But if you insist". He gets up and he towers over me. He's at least six three. His legs are long and muscular and his biceps are muscled out. I'm sure his abs are pretty defined too.

He smiles and sits in the desk next to me. He stretches out his skinny jean clad legs and puts his arms behind his head. A black button up suits him well. His attitude not so much.

"If your going to stare I should as well". His voice cuts my thoughts off. I roll my eyes and look back at the board. "Today we have a new student joining us. Mr.Styles please stand up". Mrs. Vonkrosigk calls out.

He stands and waves. "My name is Harry". And sits back down. The class chuckles and the girls sigh and moan.

I scrunch my nose and cringe. Harry looks at me and smiles. I roll my eyes again.

At the end of class I am tired. All we did was take notes. Harry kept staring at me fron time to time and he would throw paper notes at me.

Having English first hour isnt fun.


"Keely that hottie over there wont stop staring at you". Rachel says to me pointing to my right. I turn to look and sigh. Harry sits next to the popular boys staring at me.

The popular boys are Louis, Niall, Liam, and Zayn. Louis and Niall are my two best guy friends. Zayn and Liam not so much. They hate my guts for some reason.

I smile and wave at Harry sticking my middle finger up in the process. "You should go die in a hole. Keely he obviously likes you". I scoff at Rachel. No guy could like me.

My hips are to big. My thighs are to fat, and my waist is huge. I have stretch marks in some places. My hair is always up in a ponytail and my face has some pimples.

I am not hot girl material. Harry shakes his head and frowns. The bell rings for us to go back to class and I do exactly that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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