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It's been a day since dad and Bonnie found out we were here

9:30 in the morning

I woke up with Kai laying next to me his arms wrapped around me and us facing each other.

I looked up at him he was still sleeping he looked so peaceful.

I lightly grazed his cheek with my hand and stared at him for a minute.

Then I rubbed my hand up and down his chest, I tried to be easy with him because he doesn't like to be woke up although he's heavy sleeper.
I placed a light kiss on his neck and he moved a little

" cupcake" he groaned, his sleepy voice is adorable but it's also really fucking hot

" hi baby"i said
" hi gorgeous" he replied and pecked my lips

He then took a second to look around and realize we weren't in the Lockwood mansion anymore
" how the hell did we get here and why does my neck hurt so bad" he groaned

Flashback to last night

" would you two stop making out so I can kick Your ass" Damon said pointing at Kai
" dad leave him alone" I yelled and possessively hugged Kai's head
" Ellie get out of my way" Damon said
" you won't touch a hair on his head" i replied
" he's a human I smell his blood tempting not to rip his head off isn't it" Damon asked
" one he's a siphoner and two I wouldn't hurt him even if you started to push a stake in my heart" I replied
" guess I got to do this then" Damon said and snapped Kai's neck
" your a real ass, I hope you have fun carrying him to the boarding house" i said pissed
" but he's dead" Bonnie said confused
"No he's not Kai can't die he's the only thing keeping the prison world from collapsing. If you kill him he wakes right back up" I replied

End of flashback lol

" um well we were making out so dad got pissed and broke your neck" i said

" ass" he mumbled
"I can hear you" Damon yelled from downstairs
" I was counting on it" Kai yelled back
" ignore him baby" i said to Kai and pecked his lips
" mmm do that again" Kai said seductively
" this" i said and kissed him
" yea" he mumbled and we started making out
" Kai" I said seductively
" mhm" he replied
" we need to go down stairs love" i said
" what for" he asked
" if we don't we're gonna end up doing it and I don't feel like watching you die over and over" i replied
" fine" is all he said and threw me over his shoulder. He started walking down stairs and I was yelling at him telling him to put me down but he ignored me
" kaiiii put me down" I demanded as we reached the bottom of the stairs
" no" he replied
" ugh ,daddy" I yelled
" yes cupcake"
" what is it Ellie"
" oh was that not for me" Kai asked nervously
I shook my head no
He put me down
"  I love you" he yelled and ran out the door
"He's dead" Damon said he was about to vamp speed
" Motus" i said and the door slammed
"Leave him alone" i said
"What's so special about him? Huh?" Damon asked
" I love him" I replied
"No you don't you just think you do because he was the only one with you" Damon said
" that is bullshit" I yelled
" oh yeah then how do you know?" He asked
" because I just know, I would die for him,I'd sacrifice anything and everything i have for him. I don't think I would even want to live without him" i said
" I didn't think I could live without your mom but I did,I kept going because I knew I would see her again if I did,and when I finally got her back she chose Stefan,your just like her she doesn't care about anyone but herself and nether do you except for Kai" he rolled his eyes saying Kai's name
"Don't talk about my mom like that" I yelled moving some things off the shelf with magic
"He's a murder he killed his family" I heard Bonnie say
"Yea but he's so cute tho" i muttered
"And if you even try to hurt Kai I'll kill you myself" I said and put up a Barrier spell keeping him stuck in the living room  and went to find Kai

I vamp speeded to the Lockwood mansion and saw a note on the door
"Nomc6749"I read out loud
That little genius went to New Orleans

2hours later

I know how to fly a plane so I got in the seat and was in New Orleans in no time

Once I got there I went to the Mikealson compound  but I made quick stop at Victoria secrets first

"Kai" I yelled walking in
"Cupcake"he said walking in
He pushed me against the wall and moved my hair out of my face
"Did you get all pretty for me?"he whispered in my ear and nibble on my ear lobe
"Of course I did,wouldn't want the sexiest man alive to see me all banged up now would I" I replied
"You went pretty far my love. You know with the lingerie" he said 
I flipped us to where Kai was the one on the wall
"Only for you daddy" i said placing light kisses on his neck while rubbing his dick through his pants
"Mmmmh baby that feels so good" he groaned
"You're such a bad boy Kai" I said  seductively
"What are you gonna punish me? Cause that's kinda hot" he said
"Do you want be to punish you big boy" i asked
"Yes please" he said

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