Prision world

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Time-1 day before Kol mikealson died
Location-West palm beach Florida

I was relaxing on the beach drinking a margarita when I heard my phone ring it was klaus. The mikealsons and I had a very close relationship,after I turned into a heritic back in 1880 they basically raised me, I picked up the phone and answered

"Hey klaus what's up" i said
"Hey love I know you'll probably be mad but I'm in mystic falls right now and-" you're where" i said cutting him off
"Love calm down" he replied
"Niklaus Mikealson if you don't tell me why you're in mystic falls right know I'll kill you,I don't know how but I will" i said
"The doppelgänger" he replied
"You found her" i said
"Yes but there's something you should know,Damon is dating her" he said
"My dad ?" I asked in shock
"Yea" he answered
"Wait klaus why exactly did you call" I asked
"Your father is trying to bloody kill me" he replied
"Please don't hurt him" said
"I won't love unless he gets in my way that is" klaus insured me
"Thank you" i said
"Well I got to go" he said
"Ok bye" i said and hung up
As soon as I put my phone down I got a call from my dad
"What dad" I say when I answered
"Have you ever heard of Kol Mikealson" he asked
"Yes dad I have" i answered
"Well we're gonna kill him" he says
"Good luck with that he can't be killed" i said
"I've got the white oak" he says and my heart dropped I dropped my phone and vamp speeded to my house packed my clothes and hit the road hopping I would make it before they got to Kol

When i got to mystic falls you were about a minute to late when I saw kols burning body
I was trying not to scream at the top of my lungs when I realized I can just bring him back and I clam down


I got everything ready to bring back Kol when was interrupted by the entire Gemini coven surrounding me
"What the hell is going on" I say
"We can't let you bring Kol back, I'm sorry elliana I know we were friends but I have no choice" Joshua Parker said I was confused but then the whole coven started chanting a spell I quickly recognized they were sending me to a bloody prison world
I soon started feeling a burning pain threw out my whole body the next thing I know I saw a bright light and then everyone disappeared I was in trapped in the stupid prison world with no way out.

I decided I would just go to the Salvatore house after all it was technically my house well my dad's but same thing
As I approached the house I saw a news paper on the door step I checked the date and it said
May 10,1994
I just ignored it and went inside my room looked exactly like it did in 94 not one thing was different
I was tired so I plopped down on the bed and went to sleep.

I've been in this fucking prison world for a week and I finally ran out of food so I went to the store to get more. I was bored and alone so I decided to see what the town looks like empty. I walked into a karaoke bar and saw a tv that turned on and played a video of a man singing, he was literally the hottest person I've ever seen so I sat down and watched.

A while later I heard a door open.
"Hello" i said
"Anyone there" I added and I caught a glimpse of the guy I saw on the tv I felt someone standing behind me so I turned to look
"Hi" the man said and put a pork rind in his mouth and started chewing
"Um hi,I thought I was by myself here" I said happy to see another person
"You're really pretty" he said looking me up and down
"Thanks" i replied
"You're really hot" I said and he smirked at me
"Omg did I say that out loud" I asked embarrassed
"Yea,yea you did" he answered
"Sorry, anyway I'm Elliana" i said trying to forget he heard what i said
"Oh manners, I'm Kai" he said back
"Like cobra Kai from karate kid" i asked
"Finally someone gets it" he said and I smiled at him
"Where are you living at" I ask
"Oh with you" he replied
"You've been living in the same house as me the whole week I've been here and I didn't notice, I'm impressed" i said
"Well maybe I wanted to impress you" he said moving closer to me only centimeters away from our lips touching and I backed up a little bit
"Oh don't be shy on me now cupcake, I know a huge part of you wants me" he said
"Not part all of me wants you but not yet" i said rubbing my thumb down his lip and I walked to the door
"You coming" I ask
"Yea" he answered and followed me out

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