Death Kills The Kindest Souls

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(Santana's Pov)

"Cancer, my mom has cancer" she says and starts to collapse and I run to catch her. She immediately breaks down right their in my arms so I ask to be excused by my mother and she looks at me curiously before saying we can go. I gently take her up the stairs and into my bedroom. All I see when I see is a heartbroken Brittany. Im stunned, I don't know what to do.

"What do you need me to do" I say hugging her and she laughs.

"I've never been this close to...."

"A girl" she says laughing while I look away.

"Anyone. The closest I've gotten was to the gang but even that I didn't want to comfort or help them but with you it's different. I would go to the moon and back just to see you stop crying" I say and she smiles at me while burying her head in my neck.

"Why does she have to die Santana, why does death choose her" she says and I know exactly what she's going through. I lost my favorite person in the world a couple years ago and it still stings.

"Listen Britt, death is something we all hate but something that we all have to face one day. You got to see your mom all the way up to 18, I wish I could say that my dad seen me graduate........." I say softly so I don't come off as saying she's ungrateful.

"What Im trying to say here is, I can't answer the question of why now she has to die but I do know that she wants you to be brave and strong" I say rubbing her arm.

"I thought we had forever together" she says and I sigh.

"That's the thing about us, we choose to believe that were untouchable and choose to live just anyway. The sad thing is, it takes a love one in their death bed to see the need to change your life. We feel money and sex and cars and the 'American Dream' is the only thing important. We feel it's better to have some job we know we hate for the money because it will be worth it, when in reality it isn't. You should live everyday as if it's your last because one day it will be and the scary thing is, you don't know when your time is up. Time is precious and death is a constant reminder to me about that. I thought I had forever with my dad too and next thing I know, He instantly dies in front of my eyes. So please, spend as much time as you can with your mom and stay with her as much as you can" I say while brittany wipes my face. I didn't even know I was crying.

"I can't do that to you Santana" she says and I laugh.

"Brittany S. Pierce, you don't have a choice" I say in a demanding voice and she just laugh.

"You don't scare me"she says smirking my smirk.

"Oh really, i was going to go take you get a present that you want tomorrow, but no....." I say and she hops on me.

"Okay I'm sorry and thank you for understanding, But under one condition" she says smiling.

"What" I ask confused.

"You come meet my mom and pronounce your love for me and I get to do the same" she says and I go wide eye.

"Brittany, don't you think we should wait, I don't want to kill her with kindness" I say and she frowns and start to tear up.

"Oh no baby it was a......"

"Gotchu, you really think I care what you think Santana Lopez. There's a new sheriff in charge" she says as she hops on one leg and get my cowboy hat and prances around and I start laughing.

"Well, you got bad leg for one more week, so I'm taking full advantage" I say and pin her against the wall.

(Brittany's Pov)

What Santana said to me was an eye opener and she right. I never know when my mother is going to go and I don't even know when death is coming for me. So for now on, I'm living as if it's my last. What Santana doesn't know is that my leg is healed and wearing the boot is optional. The wreck put a small crack which they call a 'break' and that the two weeks I needed this I kept it nonstop but a third week is optional, so I've been using it to my advantage like now.I quickly flip us and she looks shocked.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that, my leg is healed" I whisper in her ear and then nibble on it, getting a shiver from her. I look at her and see that she's shocked that I have all this courage.

"Where is all this courage coming from, i thought you were a virgin" she says and I laugh.

"Don't judge a book by its covers san. Even Though I didn't sleep with the whole school, no offense, I slept with a few people" I say and that sparked something in her. I kiss her before she can say anything and it so passionate, that I want more. I start roaming my hands over her body when the door Burst open revealing my brother.

"Hey bud, what's up" I say looking beet red, while Santana looks everywhere except him.

"Mom says she wants you" he says smirking at us.

"Do mommy, know about you two" he ask and I see Santana glare at him while he smirks.

"You wouldn't dare" she says and before you know it, he's off.

I wait for everyone to clear the way before I walk over to to my house, I can hear Santana screaming after my brother while he's laughing and shouting for my mom.

"Hey bud, you got to be quiet" I say and he says okay.

"If you tell, I'm not giving you no more piggy back rides for a week and I'm not helping Britt babysit you anymore" she says and I see him think about it but it's too late, Santana pushed me and her in the room and locked the door. As soon as my brain realizes where we are, my body stiffens. I can smell all the meds she down and the room is so dark and glooming that I automatically became depressed. It's hard for me to see her like this, you know. I just wish that I had more time with her, I wish we were better growing up and I wish that I had the cancer and not......

"Babe, you got to turn around" she whispers and I shut my eyes tight.

"Maybe if I ignore the problems, they will go away" I say.

"You can ignore them Britt, I know what your thinking and she needs you. I take a deep breath and then turn around to a quiet peaceful looking Susan Pierce and I start to cry, I know she's going through so much pain right now and right here in this moment, she just looks so peaceful and at ease. She sees me and than smiles slightly.

"I don't know what to do to help her" I whisper to Santana quietly.

"Just be their for her when she needs you the most. I'll be right here with you, Im not going anywhere" she says and holds my hand. Here goes nothing.

"Hey mom. This is Santana my girlfriend"

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