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As we were getting out of town we were stopped. Police, again. They're guarding the perimeter for the recent killings in hopes to catch-me. I turned over as if I was searching the trunk for something. Then I heard words that made me freeze.
"We will be testing multiple different citizens for traces of any illness leading to the recent murders." I instantly knew what it was. The asylum, or as I like to call it, brutal psychiatric ward. My anger caused me to grip onto a knife I secretly slipped into the trunk. But I let go since we were outnumbered and surrounded. Throughout the days I felt my psychopathy getting even worse. I had less control over it. I felt like killing just about every day. I thought of isolating myself, but I also realized it could make it worse. The police cleared their way and we had to get out of the car. Luckily the only witnesses were scared to tell the police since I threatened them. All the witnesses would say was I was male and had black hair. Nothing else. It still angered me that they dared to say anything at all though. We were let go after they found nothing too suspicious, but we weren't allowed to leave the city until they found the murderer. When I got back to Aiko's apartment, I locked myself in a bathroom to attempt to control my -bad intentions. But after locking myself in there everything around me brought back a bad memory.
•Me being abused ever since I was 6
•Being practically abandoned for over five hours in the streets
•Being beat up by classmates when I was only 8
•Locked up in an insane asylum after hurting my parents for what they did to me
•Being drugged and tortured in the same asylum

There is more-for sure, that's just a few. I never had the time to look into my mental illness since I never had access to the internet or books about it. My guess is that it's caused by trauma, though I can't be sure.

After locking myself in there for the hour and a half that it took Aiko to go shopping I finally got out. While I was reaching for the door handle I realized there was something in my hand that stopped me from getting closer. I backed my hand away and looked at it. A glass shard through my hand. I looked behind myself to see a pile of glass shards. The mirror was broken and I certainly wasn't the cause. I had to look all throughout my body since I had (another) illness that stopped me from feeling pain. That might seem good but it definitely isn't. I could get shot and the only way I would know is from the noise. What if they had a really good silencer, I wouldn't know I got shot unless I died in seconds. I can't feel any form of physical pain. I was alright though, only one glass shard on the palm of my right hand. I did everything necessary to treat the wound, took out the shard carefully, put pressure on the wound, washed it, etc.

I wanted to get revenge on everyone who caused me pain, but I couldn't, I'd be caught in a second and that's not what I want. I'd likely be executed if I got caught. I wish, I just wish that all of them would vanish into thin air, or suffer a painful experience. They need a taste of sweet, sweet, karma, but I can't give it to them. I'd need to plan how I would end their misery, and who's misery I'd end.
• My father for hurting me every single hour when I was a child.
• My mother for the same reason.
•Lot's of staff members at the asylum, never the janitor though, he was actually nice to me, and even gave me gifts.
•All of the bullies who have ever caused me pain.

Maybe more people that I can't think of. That's it for now though. I'll have to find them first before I can finish them off. They caused me pain, they created my trauma, and so now they'll get to taste karma.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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