Deal? Deal.

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Right after Chaeyoung arrived at her house, she went straight to her room. She laid down on her bed and wrapped her self around her soft blue blanket.

"Argggh" she shouted with frustration.
After some time, she stood up and walked back and forth.  She was restless while she repeatedly said these words:  "I want Professor Myoui. I want Professor Myoui. I want Professor Myoui." She stopped walking back and forth. While smirking she get her phone from the side table of her bed and dialled it.

•     •    •

"So class our topic is ab---" Professor Myoui was cut out when someone knocked on the door.

"Good morning Professor Myoui"  Chaeyoung said while smiling as she entered the room.

"Good morning, Ms Son but I think you're mistaken. This is not a subject available for your course." Chaeyoung showed a paper to Professor Myoui.

"I'm about to take this class, Professor Myoui." Professor Myoui took the paper that Chaeyoung showed and saw the words, "Application for Change of Enrollment (Adding Subject)". She was slightly shocked but she still wore her usual face, her poker face.

"Ok, Ms Son you may take your seat for now but we have to discuss this matter after class."

After more than an hour, the class finally ended. The students bid goodbye one by one to professor Myoui and went out. When finally only Chaeyoung and Professor Myoui remained in the room, the professor spoke up.

"Follow me to my office."
Professor Myoui picked up her bag and some documents on her desk and started to walk.

"Let me help you."

"No thanks, I can manage, myself."

"So... Why did you decide to teach here?" Asked Chaeyoung but the professor didn't answer her.

"Why did you choose to teach when you can get another career?" She asked again but again she didn't answer her. Chaeyoung kept on asking her random questions but didn't get any answer from professor Myoui.

The professor finally spoke up when they were finally in front of professor Myoui's office. She opened the door.

"Get in." She said in a blunt voice. Chaeyoung went in followed by her.

Professor Myoui closed the door and went straight to her table. She sat on her chair and looked at Chaeyoung who is still standing.

"Why are you still standing there? Sit down there." She said while pointing to the chair in front of her table.

Chaeyoung sat down and professor Myoui took out a paper from one of her folders.

"So... You want to enrol in my class." Chaeyoung just nodded while staring at her.

"Why do you want to join my class? It's not even a requirement in your course."

"Because I w---"

"Stop it. Don't tell me you want me. I won't accept your request if that's your only reason." She said with a sharp look at her.

"Ok, hmmm" Chaeyoung looked at the ceiling as if she was thinking of something. "Because I don't want them." She said in a serious tone.

"Am I a joke to you, Ms Son Chaeyoung?"

"No. I'm always serious when it's you."

"Then give me a serious reason." She said in a sharp voice.

"That's a serious reason."
Professor Myoui took a deep sigh.

"Ok. Can you tell me why you don't want them and you want me?"

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