Part 1

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~Nariasue's POV~

I don't even know how long it's been since the last time I talked to someone. I'm given meals once a day, locked in the small rat-infested shed and only let out when I need to use the washroom which was not often as I was literally a dehydrated little kid.

They even beat me up for literally no reason, and there is this black band wrapped around my right leg and when the Baroness or the Baron press a violet-colored ring that they have, I feel immense pain all throughout my body. And the side effects are that I won't be able to talk for a few hours after it has been used and my legs won't work for the same amount of time.

From what I know, I live in a Baron's house and am someone who they just decided adopt but now they treat me worse than slaves. I know that this kind of treatment isn't normal but I have no one to ask for help. I don't know my name or how I look but my hair's pretty long so the only thing I know about my appearance is that I have white hair.

For some reason, I can read what's written in the torn up books that I found in the shed even though I was never taught to read or write. And even though it was dark with no source of light in the shed, I could see everything clearly but with a bluish tint. But when there was light, the bluish tint went away.

Back to reality, I still haven't gotten my meal and I'm starving. I pressed my ear against the shed door, trying to listen if there is someone I can ask for food but there was nothing. I stayed in that position for a few minutes before I heard footsteps approaching. The people seemed to be talking about something and from what I could decipher, the Baroness called someone Sir Knight and an unfamiliar voice responded.

'Sir Knight? Maybe I can ask him for help!' I began knocking on the door with all the strength that I could muster, the footsteps stopped and I could hear the man's voice again,

"What's in there?"-Knight

"It's nothing, my son's old toys are in there and the rats must have knocked something over, haha"-Baroness

"Open it"- Knight


"If there are only toys in there, then it should no problem to open it"-Knight

"S-Sir Robane, the shed is very dirty, I don't think you will like it"-Baroness

"I've touched dirtier things"- Knight

They talked for a bit more but I couldn't hear it because my whole body started hurting, 'She's using the ring again!' I doubled over in pain but it soon ended as I heard the sound of a key being inserted into the lock and the door creaking open, revealing a man and the Baroness. The Baroness looked like she was nervous and kept glaring at me.

The man has wavy, crimson red hair with bangs that fall into his light grey eyes. He has a tall, lean stature with long, muscular limbs and broad shoulders. He was wearing a blue double-breasted shirt, matching pants, boots, and a black cape.

"I think you may need spectacles Baroness, because this is clearly a child and not a rat," the man's cold voice sent shivers down my spine. "A-ah my daughter! How did you get here?" The Baroness immediately jumped forward to grab me but I jerked away, scared by the sudden movement.

I didn't say anything in response to her question because I can't even if I wanted to and continued to scoot farther away from her, "Kindly get away from her while I'm still being nice," the knight walked forward and knelt in front of me, showing a kind smile.

"Hello there, my name is Felix Robane, what's yours?" His voice was soft and calm, contrary to the voice he used with the Baroness, I looked at him suspiciously and scooted away a little more. He seemed to notice this because he extended his hand to me, "Don't worry, I'm not a bad person," he reassured.

I glanced back at the trembling Baroness who was still glaring daggers at me,  I shook my head, indicating that I didn't know it, still not taking my eyes off the woman. "I see.....would you like to come with me?" He asked after a few seconds, I looked back at him and didn't answer.

"If you agree, then I will take you out of here and you will live a great life," he grinned at me, 'If I take his hand, will I seriously have a good life?,' I glanced at the Baroness then back at his extended hand before I nodded my head and took his hand.

He slowly picked me up, like I was some expensive jewel that will shatter the moment someone touches it, and walked out, not even sparing another glance at the Baroness. Once we were outside, he said something to some other knights before looking back at me. But once we made eye contact, his eyes widened and his smile faltered a bit, 'Do I look weird or something?' I pondered.

I looked away because it seemed like I was making him uncomfortable. Felix cleared his throat before smiling brightly again, "Your eyes are really pretty," he complimented. I just look at him for a few minutes before looking away again, 'What do my eyes look like?' I thought.

Felix laughed before heading towards a beautiful looking horse, I gaped at it, resisting the urge to pet it. "Do you like him?" Felix's voice brought me out of my thoughts, and I nodded my head.

Felix set me down on the saddle before climbing up himself, I looked up at him confused as to why I'm sitting on the horse, "I'm gonna take you to a nicer place where you will get cleaned up and get lots of food to eat!" He exclaimed.

'Where is that? An inn?' I started thinking about different places that fit such a description but the Imperial Palace was NOT on the list.

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