Kill me. But screw me first.

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It had been years, no, decades since Ramona had gotten this close to Elizabeth. She had fantasized about this moment for a long time. Getting right up close and being able to just take her life from her. Slit her throat. Carve her heart out of her chest. Whatever she felt like in the moment, whatever she wanted.

And now that exact moment had come. The moment where she got closer than she'd ever imagined Elizabeth letting her. Lying underneath her in the most vulnerable position, bullet wounds still pulsing all over her body, making it hard for her to move, and no blade on her finger nails.

Elizabeth was well aware that Ramona could kill her at any given moment, if she wanted to. She was also aware that Ramona did want to. And yet there was something inside of her that still held on to the hope that there was one last glimmer of love, one last glimmer of forgiveness inside of Ramona that would let her live and escape this hell hole.

That silent hope was fueled by the conflict she saw in Ramona's eyes when she looked down at her. She could smell her rage, yet feel her hesitation. And she could hear her heart beating fast, like it did when she first brought her up to her penthouse 38 years earlier. That first time making love. A beautiful but distant memory. And yet this moment they were living right now felt eerily similar.

Ramona's brown eyes were still staring deeply into Elizabeth's but now they wandered down to her lips, slowly leaning in closer until she met them with her own in a soft but lingering kiss. Elizabeth closed her eyes, fully taking in the feeling she'd been missing for so long. A kiss that Ramona had initiated.

And within seconds Elizabeth felt herself being catapulted back to simpler times. Times when they were happy together, using every opportunity they could find to fuck or make out or snuggle up to one another. Times when they felt safe in each other's arms and presence.

Right now Elizabeth probably shouldn't feel safe. She had basically given up all her power and was surrendering completely to Ramona who was still hovering over her. The only weapon she had left was her mind and her words. And her eyes.

Those eyes had always been one of Elizabeth's most mesmerizing features to Ramona. Yes, she had a gorgeous body and her blonde hair looked angelic the way it flowed down her shoulders. But those eyes, they held real power over her. And right now Ramona was captured by them again.

Just like nearly 40 years earlier, all they made her think about was wanting to kiss Elizabeth again and again. And that kiss she had just placed on her lips, it had caused a feeling to bubble up inside of her that she hadn't felt in a long time.

She had felt glimpses of it earlier when Elizabeth had kissed her. But now that she was in control, it was a whole new level of intensity.

All these years she'd thought her hatred for Elizabeth had completely eradicated the love she once felt for her. She thought that first her love for Mo and then the pain she felt when Elizabeth killed him had overshadowed anything she ever felt for her. And the more her hatred grew, the more she was convinced any sign of love or feelings were gone.

What she had never considered was that the love she did still have for Elizabeth was the actual reason she grew to hate her so much. The reason she was so angry at her for all the pain she'd caused her.

The only reason she wanted her to suffer was because she herself had never even for a moment stopped loving her in spite of everything that happened. And that had hurt like hell. So much so that she completely shut off the parts of herself that felt any kind of romantic love.

She wanted to blind herself from it, convince herself that it wasn't real, that it didn't exist. And now here she was, lying on top of her ex-girlfriend, having a resurgence of all those feelings. She was ready to fuck the living shit out of her.

Like Walnuts and Black Licorice // The Countess x Ramona RoyaleWhere stories live. Discover now