Chapter 6

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Jimin POV

The silence was unbearably loud. The three of them torn between not knowing what to say and simply not wanting to say anything. Jimin quickly became strained, feeling the undeniable tension between the two. It was clear they were absorbed in each other's presence, neither of them making the move to kill the silence. And so, Jimin decided to break the ice.

"We'll have 4 shots of espresso please." He said, sending Taehyung a smile.

"Coming right up." Taehyung was quick to turn his back to them and prepare their order, but Jimin didn't miss the subtle hitch in his exhale. He wasted no time in averting his gaze towards the raven headed Male, not the least bit surprised to see him completely warped in Taehyungs entire existence. His eyes, very clearly hanging lower than usual. The aura of pure lust and hunger radiating off of him.

He made his way to sit down, not bothering to alert Jungkook of his absence. Seeing the younger so immersed in Taehyungs whole being, amused him to no end. Though, he would be lying if he said it didn't remind him of him and Yoongi.

"Jungkook, come sit down and stop staring. You'll scare him off before you've even had a chance to say hello." It seemed to do the trick, when he noticed Jungkooks reluctant gaze slowly turn to him, his face quickly turning into one of annoyance.

"Why are you saying that so loud Hyung? Lower your voice."


Jungkooks POV

"Jungkook, I've been kind enough to quite literally risk my life just so you can see Taehyung. Tell me to lower my voice one more time and I'll tell him everything. Right here, right now."

"No need for that Hyung, I'm sorry it won't happen again." His words were almost a plea as he hurried to sit beside Jimin. And if it weren't for Taehyung, he would've wiped that cocky grin off Jimins lips.

The momentary agitation he felt, had wholly dissipated as he returned his eyes back to Taehyung. There was no mistake about it. He knew Taehyung. That unmistakable feeling of knowing someone who you've seemingly never met before, lingered in the pit of his stomach. It wasn't just the feeling of him having already known Taehyung. It was the relentless pull of the fact that, this boy stood before him, belonged to him.


As soon as he turned around he let out an exhale he didn't even know he was holding in. He began working on the order in a desperate attempt to shove all thoughts to the back of his head. As far as Taehyung knew, he had never met Jungkook in his entire 18 years of existence. He's sure he would've have remembered him. Hell, his face didn't even look familiar. But call him crazy, he was without a doubt connected to that man. He knew it the moment they locked eyes, those emotions he felt... weren't entirely his. Every emotion felt amplified beyond his control. Like they were someone else's.

He had just finished up the last coffee, Searching for a tray, before carefully pacing the mugs on them. Taehyung began walking towards them, eyes casted down, failing to notice the dazed look Jungkoook gave him.

"4 espressos, no charge. Jin hyung said your coffee would be free." Taehyung barely had a chance to place the tray down, before Jungkook was picking them up and chugging both drinks back.

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