Amphibia's season 2 finale "True Colors" has officially been delayed due to scheduling shifts on Disney Channel. With Anne, Marcy, and Sasha finally reunited, King Andrias making his move, and the ultimate battle upon us, why can't we watch True Col...
Amphibia is good. This Disney cartoon has been airing Season 2 episodes throughout the year. And we been able to dive into more into the lord of the show. Over the course of the season, we explore new locations and even figure out the biggest enemies that will play an important role moving forward. Its seem like everything was building up into the finale "True Colors" that was going to premiere today.
All the crew members came forward promoting the episode and all the fans were hype to watch! Amphibia has stepped up its game this Season, so it's only natural that people want to see how it all ends right. Sadly you won't be able to watch right now. The news comes to Disney TVA official Twitter account.
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When this announcement was revealed series creator Matt Braly came forward with some words with wisdom.
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So We don't know why this delay is happening? Scheduling shifts is vague and doesn't get into detail, but the main thing you need to know is that True Colors will not be airing as original intended. The Fandom was not been taken it easy and thats understandable. The thing that disappointed people is necessarily the delay its self, but the timing of the announcement. It was just a few hours before True Colors was hitting digital platforms. People were mentally preparing themselves to watch in less a day and now they don't have the chance to. I think fans would've reacted better if this was announce a week and a vest. I know its easy raise these pitchfork at Disney and get mad that we can't watch the season finale, but there's only one that we can Can religiously do here be patient. Whether we like it or not True Colors is delayed. We don't know the next date because it wasn't in the tweet but we just have to wait.
On the bright side. This make a hiatus between Season 2 and 3 just a tiny bit smaller So yeah thats better than nothing. Also if come across this story and if you don't know much about Amphibia be sure to check it out the characters are well developed, the world building is gotten better and the story is heating up. This suddenly delayed is a good time to go back and watch some a bunch all released episodes.
You can hopefully expect on True Colors soon but for right now let's watch and wait. The End!