Chapter 2 - The Trip

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The six students arrive promptly on time to find Mr. Renhfield already waiting for them with a coach at the school gates.

As they approach the teacher, he looks up stunned by their earliness 'Ah, good to see that everyone is here already, and I'm also glad that all off your parents have allowed you. Right then, we should take off now, it'll take about an hour and a half to get there'

'What? That long? Oh man, this is bullshit, i didn't sign up for this' says Wayne only slightly pissed off not wanting to miss a chance of a scholarship.

As Mr. Renhfield gestures for everyone else to climb onto the coach he replies to Wayne 'Well....., it'd probably take a lot less time to get there because we'll hit the motorway after the traffic rush to home. And I only predicted an hour and a half as the maximum time for us to get there, now hope on Wayne, we're losing time'. Wayne grimaces but does what he was told by Mr. R.

*Phoebe's POV*

As I step on to coach behind Cindy and find a pair to sit with I catch a glimpse of Wayne. Ah, the heaven child, so sexy and sweet but no one even realises, not even his friends, well not the sexy bit anyway I hope. All anyone can see is his burning temper and without even getting to know him inside, they judge him and put certain labels on him; still, he's made it as one of the most popular boy in school. His lush black hair and intense brown eyes seem to have a special glow to them, so great face. I've also seen him shirtless once, and yes before you ask, he does have a six pack, and yes of course I stared, - I couldn't help myself - which isn't a surprise since he works out every day. His body is so built but the perfect thing is that he's not short or too tall, he's about my height only that I'm a tiny bit shorter than him.

'Are you gonna sit there or something?' Chuk shouts in my ear from behind me as we're standing in the corridor of the seats with Carl and Mr. R waiting patiently behind him in a single file. I then become conscious that he was being sarcastic as I find myself standing up gawking at Wayne also with a bit of saliva hanging out my mouth. I turn and stare back a Chuk dumbly as he beams at me fiercely.

'Or are you going to move and find a seat' Chuk says slowly as if I was some stupid person.

'Oh...I...Wa...Yeh....' I mumble confusedly and embarrassed and turn my head to the vacant seat next to lily. I glance back at Wayne who was only a seat behind me and luckily saw that he was in a deep conversation with Cindy so he probably didn't notice me staring at him. I'm not a pervert or anything, i swear, just that I'm really attracted to him, I mean, who isn't?

'Everybody sit down now, we're about to set off' the driver yells from the front as he starts the monstrous engine.

I avert my ears to listen to Cindy's conversation with Wayne and catch her in mid sentence '....But you're really cute, how did you not get into the borough squad?' she says interestedly.

'Aawwh thanks Cindy, but they can't judge on that or no-one would be on the team' replies Wayne and I can imagine him blushing when saying it, see, that's the type of guy Wayne, is. He's not vain or arrogant at all; a kind and maybe sensitive guy if I could open him up a little, like his zippers. 'EEWWW!' I scream aloud. What the fuck was I thinking?

'What happened?' a shocked Lily asks taking off her headphones to investigate.

'Oh, nothing, I.....eermm... wet myself' I stutter quietly as I lie. Lily however believes me and probably thought I was stuttering because I was embarrassed and gives a disgusted look but then gives a supportive friendly look - but still a bit twisted. 'I'd better go to the toilets at the back and clean up'.

'Oh, I could get that for you' Lily says softly - trying her best to pull a seductive face - but making sure she was loud enough so that Wayne could hear her.

'Its fine' I smile awkwardly and freaked out.

Just as I get up the coach speeds up and thrusts me forward down the corridor of the seat towards the toilet.

*Chuk's POV:*

I find a seat next to Carl who was sitting right behind the English professors, Mr. Renhfield and Miss. Hammersmith. Miss. Hammersmith is in her mid 20's like Mr. Renhfield and is head of the English department so I'm quietly surprised that she agreed for this trip, supposedly for our benefit, and agreeing to give us scholarships. It doesn't really add up. They're up to something, I can tell.

'Aye, yowl, this coach drive is skin man; yowls know what I'm saying?' I say to turn the attention from the teachers who turn around at look at me.

'Well shut up and do something then or I'll drive you off this bus' Miss. Hammersmith replies quickly standing up facing me. She's really witty in a sort of sense. I used to be in her class before until I moved up to Mr. Rehnfield top set class. She's really ghetto as well, she's fun and you can joke with her but everyone knows not to piss her off.

'Go on then' I reply, smile on my face opening up my arms.

'Oh, come over here then instead of sitting there like a hard man with that crappy hair cut' She says curving her head.

Everyone on the bus makes a sort of booing sound implying that Ms. Hammersmith said something and I need to get her back.

She puts on her cheeky smile meaning no hard feelings, we're just messing around. She sits down and turns back to face the front of the bus and Mr. Renhfield does the same chuckling nodding his head at me. I chuckle too.

'Get her back son' Mr. R says warmly. He's also a really nice teacher, not ghetto like Ms. Hammersmith, but is a really cool guy. A teacher who really accepts you for who you are, unlike most teachers, and unlike the other teachers, I treat them differently. Mr. R, he helped me through times, like with my drug problems, he helped me quit. And Ms. Hammersmith's just has always been there joking and I feel like she's a real person, not stuck up like all the other teachers.

'Aye, Ray you've got something to do?' I turn sideways to face to face him.

'Yeh, I just saw some white chick going to the back' he replies excitedly.

'What? Oh man, that's Phoebe' I respond putting on a sort of disgusted face. It's not that phoebe is ugly or anything, actually she's quite pretty, the type of girl I'd want. Long silky blond hair, nice brown eyes and a lovely slim body. She can be a bit weird sometimes but that's just who she is, don't get me wrong though, she's no freak though.

Mr. R - Mr. Renhfield - goes up to stand near the front of the bus 2 seats away, grabs a microphone and says 'attention please everyone' he smiles when everyone looks at him and continues, 'okay then, I'm hoping that you all bought torches, is that right?' he says hopefully.

'Yeh' everybody says in union.

'Why do we need them anyway?' Carl asks.

'Well, obviously by the time we get there the museum will have closed so all the power will be off' answers Mr. R and Carl nods.

'So we're alone?' Carl questions.

'No. The curator of the museum will be waiting for us when we arrive and then he will give you a lecher about their discoveries and finds in the Egyptian tombs. There will also be a tour guide, who will give us a tour, and a janitor in the museum. Any other questions before I continue?'

'Yeh' replies Cindy 'Can we back out?'

Mr. Renhfield only simply smiles and shakes his head. 'This is an amazing opportunity, it's not really English related but I'd be interesting thing for you to do' he pauses, thinks then continues 'the trip may run over the time that we had planned but I'm sure your parents won't mind, however I want you all to behave sensibly and not do anything.....stupid' he cocks his head slightly at Cindy. 'Half an hour more minutes then we'll be there'. Then, I catch a glimpse of him putting down the microphone and switching some buttons and Music Drums through the bus.

Their long and somewhat stressful journey continues and even though the teachers have no idea what they are leading the six unwitting students into, they're all happy.

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