°~❤(oops)My bad❤~°

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•bad and techno try to hide thier relationship till techno execution.


•Character death


•violence and blood

•au where punz and Dream aren't there to save Techno.

•Techno and Philza aren't related. They are just friends. #anarchistsforlife

•ranboo and sapnap are thier sons, bad found sap in the nether alone and abandoned and techno found ranboo  stuck in a ravine while mining.

•sapnap is ranboos older brother.

•quackity promised not to hurt bad and techno if Ranboo helped them capture Techno.  A.k.a he didn't know about the execution.

[Bad POV]

As I left the badlands I hear the loud sound of a bell in the distance, me and ant frost look at each other confused as we knew this meant something big was happening in manburg.

As we got on our horses I felt like something was horribly wrong, my heart was skipping beats in fear as I slowly shook out of pure nervousness.

We reached Manburg to see a huge stage with none other then My beloved, Technoblade, tied to a chair⁷. While a anvil sat above him hundreds of feet in the air looking like it could drop any second.

I looked in in terror as I felt my heart sink to my stomach. This was an excitation. They were gonna kill him, they were gonna kill my husband!

From the crowd me and techno made eye contact causing him to smile at me with sadness I felt like I was going to burst out crying any moment.

"Technoblade has robbed our country. Robbed it, of everything that made it special." Tubbo said on the podium looking at the crowd.

"Everything that definded what it was." I could only feel my heart race faster and faster everysecond tubbo would speak.

I hesitantly took out a pick axe looking at Techno who noticed and quickly tried to signal me not to do it, he knew me so well...

"He stepped in where he shouldn't have, he created chaos he ruined the government- b-bad is throwing enderpearls and- w-wait what is he doing!? What is he doing!?" I couldn't take it anymore I threw the enderpearl at technoblades as I tried my best to set him free.

"Stop him! Somebody stop him!" I heard tubbo cry. I saw Sapnap run onto the stage and fight against quackity, I felt guilty making him fight against the man he loved but technobalde was his father.

Quackity not wanting to hurt him backed off and let tubbo and fundy handle sapnap.

"QUACKITY PULL THE LEVER!" Tubbo yelled from afar.

No no no no! I can't get the restraints off. Its almost like they are enchanted!

I heard a clicking sound as I looking up to see the anvil dropping I looked at Techno seeing his eyes widen.

I looked back at him and pushed him out of the way

[Techno POV]

I fell of the chair with a thud as the collision with the ground broke the enchanted chains. I quickly got up and looked back to see the thing I dreaded to.



Sapnap pushed fundy and tubbo away as he ran to the body of bad, sapnap over his body not knowing what to do.

I quickly followed him and sat down next to my son.

"D-dad, oh god Papa, he's gone he's really gone" Sapnap said crying onto bad has I pulled him into a imbrace. "Sap, shh, I'm here, I'm here now." I said feeling my tears leave my eyes.

"W-what?" I looked at tubbo who's eyes were wide and horrified.

"You...you had a family?" He finished his sentence in disbelief.

"Tubbo, the reason I hung my sword up was for that very reason. Now look what happened. I was to live in peice with them but..." I felt sapnap hold onto me tighter as I held him closer they both stood up I picked up the body of my husband.

"Oh god, dad. No no no! I, no! Quackity you promised me!" I could hear the mortified screams of my youngest, ranboo.

"Ranboo I swear I didn't mean to hurt bad!"

"BAD. WHAT ABOUT PAPA!? HOW ABOUT TECHNO? NO! YOU WERE GONNA KILL ONE OF THEM EITHER WAY!" with each of ranboos  screams his white side seemed to crawl over tk the black side of his skin taking over his body.

I slowly walked over to ranboo and I held his hand, he snapped his head towards me but his eyes quickly softened, he slowly turned back to normal and I pulled him and sapnap close to me allowing the brothers to cry.

Quackity looking at bads body with immense guilt having realised he just killed one of his friends. And Tubbk and fundy crying out of guilt and sadness, regretting the actions the have chosen to commit.

Others from the crowd like skeppy and puffy cried while others were in shock and disbelief.

Dream, goerge and antfrost helped us Bury bads body having a funeral for him. We made sure to get tommy with us since he deserves tk know.

[Four months later]

Everything was a shit tip. Manburg. The badlands the fucking Egg.

But something good came out of such things,

"Techno! Could you help me with the cooking! Sapnap and ranboo  are supposed to come today!" I heard the voice of my beloved come from the kitchen

"Comming Halo, dear!" I closed the book I had in my hand and left the fire place as I happily looked to see my lovely husband.

"Techno!!! You muffin head. If you came any later the muffins would've burnt." Bad said turning towards me. Slightly floating off the ground his long tail swaying in the ain't as it followed behind him while he floated towards me.

"Angel, you shouldn't say such things" I said as AngelBoyHalo hugged me with such love. "J know but I can't help but be happy to be back!"

"Yes, I'm happy, I'm so so happy"


A/N : watching all of you rage in the comments is very entertaining and i regret nothing BWAHAHHA

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