Chapter 2

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I looked outside and I did what I always do. I ran to the ocean and stroked the sand. I could feel the ocean spreading for miles. The tsunami was huge, maybe 2,000 feet tall, and moving at 500 miles per hour. But I was only guessing. It was about 50 miles away and that I knew. I knew how much time I had.

I ran back to the soldiers and told them they couldn't fight this one. I knew they were lining up to fight, so I stood in what I hoped was my commanding voice,


"On behalf of the princess I order you to raise the barriers, and work the canals. We need to get everyone out of the village!" I yelled at them.

They just stood in silence. They weren't used to a woman commanding them.

"Now!" I said, and finally they ran.

I felt the sand again. It was escalating. We didn't have time. I started to make holes in the sand. The waives hit hard and my head hurt. I stood up, concentrated and it stopped. The holes I dug were getting bigger, larger than any I had ever made. I smiled, but I had to stay focused. I looked behind me at the villagers. For a moment I felt all the heartbeats of each villager, depending on me, depending on the prophecy.

I ran to the lighthouse up the tall staircase, and turned on the speakers, "Everyone needs to stay calm, we have 5 minutes to leave. But it's important that everyone stays calm," I knew they were all listening and needed my assurance.

"Get as much supplies as you will need for the time being. Children will need to separate and go to Hulu mountain. Our soldiers will take care of the adults and go to Raku mountain. This is an order from the Princess of Rain Ken, please follow the instructions," I added hoping they'd listen. I knew I should have said more, reassured them but there was no time.

I ran back to the beach and saw it was emptying. I looked back as the barriers were going up. I jumped on my horse and made her go through the trail. I saw the kids going to Hulu mountain and the adults walking to Raku mountain. Some of the adults were reluctant to let their children go. Silvi was galloping. I tried to slow her down because I felt as if I would fall off if she kept going. I stroked her forehead and mumbled a little prayer telling her we would be ok. I could see animals scurrying everywhere so I stopped her and motioned for her to keep riding back to the Palace with some of the animals.

I closed my eyes and focused hard on my journey. My head was spinning telling me to go to Raku mountain. I knew I could not save all of the citizens, but I had already saved so many. Suddenly everything started pulsing and glowing. I fainted from the pressure on me and the magic.

I woke up in a tree. I was soaked from head to toe. Everything was washed out and fuzzy. I limped over to the Palace. No one was there, and strangely I felt safe. I looked at my bloodied and bruised hands. When I touched them, the sting from the cuts traveled up my arm and all the way to my head. I knew this was the work of the magic. But I didn't want it, I didn't want any of it. Why me? I just wasn't strong enough. I would never be strong enough. It needs to be someone else.

I limped to the library and walked to the magic section. I searched for a book called Transferring Magic by Wilma. I looked for hours and couldn't find it. When I was about to give up, I saw the book at the very back of the giant shelves. It was an old dusty book. I looked through the book for the section titled Transferring Magic to Another Individual. I thought about my dog for a second and then I hit my head. What was I thinking? This wouldn't work on animals. I was really worried about her. Then it came to me that my friend would love to swap with me. She was always asking about my powers, and if there was a way for her to get them. But I didn't want to put the burden on her either. Even though she said she wanted it I knew what it actually did.

I sat in my chair not knowing what to do. Looking up at the ceiling I noticed all the intricate lines and patterns, how every one of them weaved in and out, interlacing and creating patterns. Soon the details and patterns faded and blurred and soon I fell asleep. I woke up with the sun in my face and blinked. I did not want to get up, every inch of my body ached, but I knew I had to. I got up slowly, wobbling a bit and took a step and immediately fell down.

"What is happening?" I said and gritted my teeth. I looked down at my feet and saw that they were bruised. I knew it was because I used too much magic. And what made it worse is that sprained my ankle or worse... I hurt so bad. I limped out of the castle, the air was quiet and the breeze was softly hitting my face. Suddenly I heard shouting. I limped over to the noise and all the villagers were crying hugging their children and soldiers were looking for any survivors.

Thankfully everyone made it out safely. I searched for my parents and when they found me they quickly brought me back up to the palace and treated my wounds. A soldier came in with my dog the moment she saw me she jumped on me. I winced but I was so glad she was ok. It was about night time but I could not sleep, my wounds healed quickly but still needed to know that my friend was safe.

Silvi, my trusted companion found me and we both rode out to find Anna.

I saw at once her house was demolished beyond repair. I called out her name but there was no answer. Panic rose in my chest. I asked the neighbor and to my relief they said Anna and her family moved further up to some shelters in the mountains.

When I got there Anna was already waiting for me sitting in a chair. It looked as if all the light and happiness got sucked out of her soul. She ushered me in and told me everything,

"I was on my bed and then heard the alarms and went downstairs to my family but they were gone," she paused "I started to panic and went outside to the store and then a soldier pushed me to Hulu mountain but I got out of his grasp and ran," she shuttered and tried to keep her tears from coming.

"I looked for everyone and then," she paused and couldn't go on, "I looked around and the wave was right there it was so tall I ran back to Hulu mountain but it was too late it hit me. It felt like all my sides were pushing me into a ball, I couldn't breath. I could not get air. It was dark. I did not know which way to go. I tried swimming but the current kept pushing me down and then everything went black," she paused and looked calmer.

"When I woke up I could not move my legs and soon soldiers took me to where my family was," she paused again, remembering.

"I still can't move my legs, just my toes, a little," she said and wiggled her toes.

I smiled and I hugged her.

I wanted to reassure her that everything was going to be fine. That it was going to get better. That she was very brave. And that I had an idea.

Then I told her what happened to me.

"And here I thought I was having it bad," she said jokingly. I smiled. I was glad she was a bit better as the light started flowing through her body again. There was a pause and I knew what she would say,

"How are your powers, like, are they better? Do you feel more power?"

I paused but casually I said, "Yah, they're good," and then it all came out.

"I um, actually have been looking into transferring it to a different elf and I know it's a lot of you to ask but I have known you for all of my life and you literally ask me every day would you like to ...."

"YES!" she said immediately.

I pulled out the book and warned her but I could tell she wasn't listening. I read out the incantation feeling the power surge from me as I said, "Take this gift from me, take my power and pass it on," I put my hand in hers but then something went wrong.

The power was leaving but something else was crawling towards Anna. Something dark. It was my power but also something else. Was the incantation wrong? I looked at Anna and she had already changed. She was no longer an elf, she was something else, something darker...

(to be continued)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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