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"Mom! I'm home! Can you light a cigarette for me?" Jisung kicks his shoes off by the others and tossed his bag by the coat hangers.

Jisung didn't hear a response as he seen his mom passed out on the couch. She had a beer in hand with a few on the table in front of her.

Jisung sighs and just makes his way to his room. He didn't feel like bothering her today about drinking away her life.

Jisung enters his messy room and begins a search for a lighter. It was honestly quite a challenge with how messy his room was.

"Felix couldn't have taken all my lighters!" Jisung groans as he kicks clothes around. He heard a 'tink' as his clothes went flying.

Jisung cheers as he rushes over to the clothes and finds a lighter in the mix of them. He pulls out his cigarette pack and opens it.

"Fuck!" Jisung stomps his feet as he forgets he smoked his last one earlier.

Jisung checks the lighter and seen with his luck, the fuel was out anyways.

"Looks like I need to go to the store." Jisung sighs and heads out his room.

He quietly leaves the house as he didn't need his mom waking up and asking him to steal some beers like she has multiple times.

Jisung had a special store that he went to where he could flirt with the cashier and get cigarettes without them having to check his ID.

It took exactly five minutes from his house to store. Ten if he got distracted by something on the way.

Jisung stands outside the store and fixes his hair in the window before heading in.

"Hey Yoongi." Jisung skips up to the counter.

"Hey Sungie." Yoongi mimics him as he smirks at the younger.

"How are you today?" Jisung leans on the counter with his chin in his palm.

"I'm good now that you're here." He says.

"Well I'm glad I could make your day. Can you make mine and get me my cigarettes?" Jisung adds his die for smile.

"You know I'll do anything for you." Yoongi winks and turns to the cigarettes behind him.

Jisung rolls his eyes when his back was turn but switched back to his smile when Yoongi turn around with a pack in his hand.

"Here yah go. Does my favorite customer need anything else?" Yoongi asked.

"I could use a lighter." Jisung takes the pack and pockets it.

"Sure." He grabs a lighter from the collection of them and hands it to him.

"Thanks Yoongi." Jisung leans up and kisses his cheek.

"Anytime, baby." Yoongi says making Jisung giggle and skip out.

Jisung shivers once he gets outside. Yoongi was hot and surely Jisung would sleep with him but just the thought of flirting for stuff made him feel bad but he needed his cigarettes some how.

Jisung gets home quickly without getting distracted by a squirrel again.

When he enters the house, he expects to see his mom still asleep but she was sitting up watching t.v.

Jisung tried to tip toe past her but she see him out of the corner of her eye.

"Hey. Where were you?" She points her beer bottle at him.

"I went for a walk." He turns to her, rubbing his arm uncomfortably, as he keep his eyes on his shoes.

"I'm not dumb. I know you went for cigarettes. I can smell them on you." She scoffs before taking a gulp of her beer.

"I'm sorry." He whispers.

"Such a fucking pansy. Can't even speak up. You know that's why your dad left us?" She grits through her teeth.

"I-I, that's not w-why and you k-know it!" Jisung curses himself for his stutter appearing. He hasn't stutter since he was a kid.

"Keep telling yourself that." She rolls her eyes.

Jisung just ignores her and makes his way back to his room. He shuts the door behind him and looks around his room.

What to do?

Jisung didn't know what to do. He was bored, sad, anxious, all above an emotional mess.

Maybe he could call up Felix.

No, Felix would just want to take his lighter.

"My lighter!" Jisung forget he got a lighter at the corner store.

Jisung sat on his bed so he could pull out the lighter. He smiles as he flicks it and watches the fire arise.

He doesn't know where he got his obsessed with fire from. As a child he would play with the candles his mom had. Then when his father was here, he would love to stand close when he grilled out. The fire from the charcoal lighting up his face as he tried to refrain from touching it. He had several scars from burning himself from doing stuff with anything flammable.

"Ow!" Jisung dropped the lighter when his finger began to burn.

He looked at his thumb and seen it was slightly red but no other damage. He just sucked on his thumb to numb the pain as he fell back to look up at the ceiling.

Glow in the dark stars from when he kid shine in the darkening room.

Jisung let out a sigh as he removed his thumb and turn on his side. He didn't even bother to take off his shoes or jacket as he fell asleep.

Just sleeping was his best option right now.


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