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"Lix, gum."

"That's your twentieth piece today. What is with you?"

Felix looks at the squirrel who was still blowing bubbles with the gum he had.

"I want to stop smoking so every time I feel like smoking, I pop a piece of gum in my mouth." Jisung explains.

"Why do you suddenly want to stop smoking? Not that I'm against but just why?" Felix hands him another piece.

"Because what if nice face wants to kiss me and my breathe smells nasty." Jisung scrunches his nose.

"I'm pretty sure nothing could make Minho leave you." Felix chuckles.

Jisung spits out his old gum in a nearby trash can and pops in the new one with a pout.

He didn't know why but Minho was making him feel new things lately.

He knew he liked Minho but this feeling was stronger.

It made Jisung gut twist and turn when he seen Minho smile.

It made Jisung  try his hardest to focus on Minho when he told a story.

It made Jisung want to buy every book Minho mention.

It made Jisung want to cuddle Minho when he talked about his cats.

It made Jisung want to kiss Minho's face when  he laugh.

Jisung gasped and grabbed Felix's arm.

"Ow! What the fuck squirrel?!" Felix exclaims as he pulls Jisung hand off his arm.

"Why does my heart feel weird?" Jisung asked as he clutched his chest.

"What do you mean?" Felix sighs as he puts down his pencil. He grabbed his wrist and put two fingers to it so he could feel his pulse.

"It's beating real hard and my chest feels tight. I got butterflies in my throat." Jisung explains.

"Your heart rate is going pretty fast. What were you thinking of?" Felix says.

"Nice face." Jisung shyly mumbles.

Felix laughs and shakes his head which made Jisung look at him crazy.

"Why are you laughing? I could be dying!" Jisung fans himself.

"You're not dying! You're in love!" Felix laughs.

"Love?" Jisung whispered.

"Yes. Love, hun." Felix finally calms down and pats his hand.

"Love is stupid."



"Jisung, why are you staring at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like when I forget to feed my cats and they stare at me till I remember." 

Jisung knots his brows at the specific example, making Minho laugh.

"Seriously, Sung. What's the matter?" Minho puts his book down and grabs Jisung hands that laid on the table.

"Nothing. Just thinking." Jisung says.

"Thinking about what? Do you need a cigarette break? You're taping your leg." Minho nods down towards his leg that was shaking underneath the table.

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