Barking Up The Wrong Tree (Chapter 23)

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  • Dedicated to Suzy Tanner

Hey Everyone!!! Here's the new chapter!  The battle is drawing near and I wonder who will die, get hurt, or live!!!  HAHA Not even do I know yet!!!  Some of you may of read my messages earlier, I wasn't sure if I specified what color Adaline's wolf was and I couldn't find it!  So if anyone runs by it and can point it out to me I'll go back and change it if I got it wrong!  I hope you all enjoy it!!! And sorry it's not as long as the last chapter!  Please don't forget to vote and comment!!!



As the evening wore on, Connor called for the guards to escort Jamison to the pack house, where he could talk to the Alpha like he had asked. Griffin had ensured that he had two of his reinforcement men were positioned with their sniper rifles just in case his father tried something during the meeting. Adaline's mood hadn't changed since dinner, she had forced food down her throat to pacify Griffin during this stressful time but she knew something was coming. Whatever it was, it was just on the horizon. Every part of her stood on end waiting for something to go awry.

Nick even noticed the slow change in demeanor in Adaline, never once bringing it up. His vigil over her became more intense as he sat with her on the back porch of the pack house. Standing across the porch from her, he let his eyes dart from her to the tree line that spanned in front of them.

As a soft wind blew he noticed the slightest shiver coming from Adaline, being odd since it was a warm humid evening. “Adaline, are you okay?” He asked as he couldn't contain this odd feeling that had settled around them.

“Huh?” She looked startled as she turned to meet his gaze.

“Are you okay?” Nick asked once again, his arms were crossed over his chest as he leaned against the siding of the house.

“Um, yeah. I'm fine.” She gave him an extremely weak smile causing him to perk up more concern.

“Something isn't right, what is going on?” Nick asked as he gave her a stern look.

“I just feel weird.” Adaline admitted as her shoulders slumped forward.

“Weird? What kind of weird?”

“You wouldn't understand.” Adaline looked backup at him briefly before turning her eyes back to the tree line. Nick watched as she turned her head trying to stretch her neck and the odd shifting in her shoulder blades. Her wolf wanted out, it was obvious, but why did she want out.

“Why don't we go inside? I need to talk to Grif for a moment anyway.” Nick suggested as he watched her body move on its own accord, she was now fighting with her wolf and it was all too clear to Nick.

“Uh, you go ahead. I'll be in soon.” Adaline mumbled as she stared ahead of her.

“No can do, Addie.”

“Just go!” Adaline snapped, Nick watched as her attitude was more wolf than human now.

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