Barking Up The Wrong Tree (Chapter 24)

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The minutes seemed to tick away like hours as the slight breeze constantly blew gusts of their enemies scents closer and closer. The yard was empty except for Griffin, Adaline's wolf, and Jamison, who was still restrained across the yard from them.

Jamison could smell the scents coming as well. He craned his head around and grinned wildly at his son as if his saving grace was on it's way. Jamison's nose instantly closed in on the other scents knowing that Adam called in reinforcements to help with his cause.

“You see that look my father has?” Griffin glanced down at Adaline as he spoke barely above a whisper.

She huffed heavily as she sat on her haunches, her eyes still glancing over the line of trees waiting to see some movement.

“You think they are really coming to rescue him?”

Adaline snorted heavily as she stood back up shaking out her fur. She couldn't bring herself to believe that anyone would actually endanger themselves for that megalomaniac. But she had seen weirder so she wasn't going to put anything past these shifters.

'Their getting closer.' Adaline's thoughts intruded into Griffin's mind as she sniffed the air deeply. She glanced behind her seeing no one. The usual buzz that surrounds the pack house wasn't in the air. No one milled about the house, there was no talking, nothing.

“Quiet, huh?”

'Yeah, too quiet.'

“Don't worry, they will be too set on their mission to pay attention to those small details.” But before Griffin could take a breath a rustling drew their attention to a gap in the tree line. The branches swayed and bent as six bodies slowly emerged from the tree line. Three of which were equipped with standard issued assault rifles the military gave each patrol men over seas, and the other three simply walked empty handed.

“Guess they didn't come prepared.” Griffin's voice was low barely heard by his own ear but he knew Adaline's lupine ears could hear him perfectly even if she was across the yard. “Don't do anything stupid.” He added lastly as he watched their enemies approach slowly.

Raising from her haunches, Adaline prepared herself to launch forward if necessary. She watched at the six men stopped short of Jamison and looked onto him with grins and sneers. It was clear that Jamison had finally burned his last bridge, and he wasn't even aware of it yet. She just hoped Griffin was.

“They are going to kill him.” Griffin said breathlessly as he watched too intrigued to take his eyes off the scene that unfolded before them.

Adam stepped forward, cocking his head to the side to gaze at Jamison as if he were sending a mental thought about his next move. Griffin tried to pick up Adam's thoughts from afar, but to no avail, nothing was coming through, and he didn't want to alert anyone by entering Adaline's thoughts.

Everyone was completely still, looking from side to side checking and rechecking their surroundings, making sure that they knew what might come from where. It was obvious Adam's men were more perceptive then originally thought.

Adam's human body shifted suddenly from that of a tawny colored bobcat. Standing up ridged on all fours, the bobcat prowled forward letting out a low purr, then grabbing everyone by their mental ears.

'Listen all you worthless beings! I am here to end all of you.' Griffin suddenly shot a glance at Adaline, who was trying desperately to stifle a snort in her throat.

'How do you think that's going to happen Adam?' Griffin voiced telepathically.

Jamison had a look of complete serenity on his face, as if this was all part of the plan. Everything was working out in his favor perfectly, he had hired Adam. Adam was doing a damn good job of scaring the crap out of all of them.

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