Beach Bully Bingo

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Catherine's POV

I walked into the throne room to see my dad practicing with Mikayla. I woke up a little later than normal but since nothing was going on, it didn't matter much. 

"Block, then plunge, twist and slice." Dad finishes what looks to be a self-defense move.

"And if he asks you out again, repeat." Dad instructs causing me to laugh.

It was very common for people here to throw themselves at my sister. She was beautiful, strong, smart, and absolutely amazing. So of course, I was a little jealous, guys didn't like me much. I'm loud, sometimes obnoxious, and definitely not a girly girl. But at the end of the day, I'm the only person I'd want to be, I came to terms with that a long while ago.

"Good morning, sweetie!" Dad greets me. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and greet him back.

"And good morning to you too, Your Majesties!" Dad says over to the kings who are coming inside with their surfboards.

"Good morning- Gotta go!" They tried to rush away.

"Wait! Tell us what happened!" Mikayla drilled. 

"Huh?" The boy kings freak out. 

"The waves were huge this morning! How was surfing?" Mikayla asks, really excited.

"Uh, oh, surfing, right? Uh, it was a breeze. Specifically towards... the end." Brady stuttered.

I gave them a questioning look only for them to try and continue to walk away. But that was interrupted by a server when he shrieked from behind them, he dropped his tray and ran away.

"This has been fun." Boomer quickly said.

"We gotta run." Brady added after as they both tried to run away once again. They maneuvered so they were back-to-back which was really suspicious.

"Are you guys... okay?" I asked them, really confused.

"Uh, yeah, we're fine!" Boomer quickly answered, still trying to get away.

"What beach did you go to?" Dad asked them.

"Gosh, you guys sure are chatty this morning." Brady said, irritated. He and his brother backed up to the wall.

"I think it was called Shredder Beach or something." Boomer answered and all of us reacted. I got angry and disgusted at the name while Dad got upset. 

"Shredder Beach!?" Dad yelled as he sliced a watermelon angrily. 

"Sorry, bad memories there." I added for both me and my dad when I noticed the king's horrified faces.

Boomer quickly made a fake laugh and then made a "See ya!" only to be stopped again by the cleaning lady. 

I still couldn't tell what was going on but something definitely was up. The lady grabbed Brady's ear and dragged him forward.

"I've told you a thousand times. Don't track sand in the house. Now, give me this filthy surfboard." She said and then tried to take Boomer's board away but he held on tight.

"Oh, uh, look! Someone left the door open!" Brady said, quickly distracting the old lady. 

"Close that door! We're not trying to air-condition the whole island!" The lady yelled and marched out the door and closed it behind her.

"Shredder Beach? Did you run into Hibachi, the Big Kahula?" My sister asked, making me roll my eyes and my dad attack another watermelon.

"Uh, w-w-we don't remember seeing any Big Kahula." Brady stuttered and Dad hit another watermelon, scaring the kings.

My Favorite King - Pair of Kings - Brady X Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now