Chapter 2

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Author's pov

~~ At the same time somewhere else~~

"Do you think your sorry ass will get you out of your fate and don't even think about me forgiving you as you are one of my most trusted servant, I give no shit about that" harry said, smirking from his chair which was placed right infront of his new victim. He was looking very comfortable.

For those who are wonder why exactly he is looking like a lion ready to pounce on his prey is because some of his secret information got released to a business rival who were just like a hungry hyenas ready to feast which in their case was ready to destroy him. But they forgot one thing, Harry is always two step ahead of his competitors, he wasn't at the top for no fucking reason.

He gave them the false information, he knew all of it from the start he just wanted to catch the culprit who was behind all of it, and he did caught him, turned out to be one of his most trusted man betrayed him, he doesn't like it, he loathes one thing from passion which is none other than betrayal. He was trying to be calm but inside there was a swirling fire raging around which wanted to erupt and burn down everything into ashes.

He was currently in one of his warehouse, were all the other types of works happen... By other i mean is illegal.

"Yeah mate, why don't you let me play with him for a bit first I'll gladly participate in fucking him over..... oh don't thing dirty what i meant by fuck him over is by my favorite babies lying on that table" louis his first in command said while rubbing his hands together, mostly eager to kill someone.

"Go ahead no one is stopping you" harry said monotonously which showed how little or next to nothing he cared. You might think he will maybe spare his life because he was working for him since so long or maybe give him a chance but none of it was going to happen. If you dared to double-cross harry you'll have your one way ticket to hell no whatsoever concession. That's how things work for him.
⚠️Warning:- contain sensitive and violence scene ahead if you are uncomfortable with that sort of things kindly avoid reading further.

Louis smirked walking ahead with slow and heavy steps purposely, enjoying the fear-struck face. Oh how much of a work he is going to get done today. He cracked his head from side to side.

He took the stun belt from the table smirking more wickedly, he went towards the now shaking body which was tied on the walk with thick black chains, he was naked with bruises all over his body, obviously he was beaten nearly to death. Blood was gushing out of his body from several parts but no one cared.

Louis secured the belt around his waist tightly, the poor thing couldn't do much but just trash around trying to get free from the chain which was impossible, yet he didn't stop. Louis step back after putting the belt on and took the remote control out while pressing the button causing an high voltage shock coming out of the electrodes placed near the victims kidneys, causing him to scream in agony. The voltage was way too high, but louis lower it down to ensure that he doesn't die with just this, he had many things rolled up his sleeves which he wanted to try and now is the correct time. He wa sgetting more and more eager by every passing minutes. It has always been so much fun for him.

He was continuously switching the voltage, after twenty minutes of screams he stopped it, the victims body would have feel on to the ground if not for the chain that was suspended securely around his arms and legs.

Then he took the spiked baton which had metal spikes running along their entire length just leaving a small space downward to hold it without getting hurt, he swinged right on his left thighs creating a deep gashes and again he screamed wanting nothing more but to be dead by now as he had enough of these nasty tortures. He was literally begging them to kill him, but harry wasn't ready to give in just yet, according to him it was just a warm up.

Louis put the baton back on the table which was now dripping with blood. He then used the electric shock weapon placing it on its right place while turning on both electric shock as well as stun belt which was still around victims waist on the maximum voltage... Nothing was more painful than watching this but neither harry nor louis were affected by any of these things. Harry was completely enjoying the show will sliding back into his leather chair. Victim's heartbreaking screams fell on the deaf ears.

After horrifying ten minutes blood started flowing out of his ears and nose as the voltage was really high and his body was already assaulted very badly. He went limp against the chain indicating that he was no more. Harry stood up and went out the warehouse with louis and few more of his men tailing behind him. He dusted his coat as if it had some dirt on it.

"What next Louis?" He asked while walking ahead not bothering to look behind or to check whether louis was following him or not.

"There is this man in casino who always gamble and now he is in a huge debt. Here is that man's file, you decide what you want to do with him" Louis said handing him the black file which has the information, most probably about his next target. He sat inside his car and open the file going through few details but one thing or i must say certain someone caught his eyes.

Zayn Malik was his name, he was the son of this bastard. He is 19 years, there was a photo attached to his profile with some basic information like what he does, what is his hobbies and some other things which includes his blonde best friend named Niall Horan.

Harry was really feeling something, WAIT what... Harry and feeling this word never existed for him before...What the hell was harry thinking but the boy really piqued harry's interest... Mesmerizing hazel orbs, those long thick eyelashes, tan skin, jet black hair... wherever you will see you'll only see beauty. That's all he could thing. He never showed mercy to anyone, not once but he was really considering showing some to this disgusting man who was in debt just because of this beautiful human.

He have never showed interest in anyone, not a single person has captured his eyes but looking at this boy, he wants him. He wants to own him, and that's exactly what he was going to do. He picked his phone and dialled Liam's number his second in command.

"I'm sending you a profile of certain someone, i want you to follow him, his every moves should be known to me, i want his pictures as well and don't tell someone else to do this work i want you to personally follow him, don't make him suspicious or else you know what will happen" he hung up without even waiting for the reply, he knew whatever he said was going to get followed so why waste time by listening to it.

He caressed the photo that was attached to the profile pulling it out and putting it in his coat pocket.

"I'll wait to make a move, till then I'll have my eyes on you baby" oh that word sound so strange coming out of his mouth, he never used endearments to address someone this was his first time but he felt nothing was wrong with it. For the first time he didn't cringed at using anything like that. He was feeling really different but he wasn't ready to show it all just yet. He have to figure it out himself first then he will think about what to do.

"Mr. James is giving us a hard time, he's been really testing my patience again" louis said as he sat on the passenger seat and the driver started the car.

"Just put him on his place again, he has to be alive for a while" Harry said while laying back on his seat and closing his eyes, but the only thing he could picture was the same hazel eyes shining brightly in the sun. He sighed and let the hazel eyes cloud his mind at least for now.

Here comes the update... I really don't know when I'll be updating again... I mean it's ramzan and im fasting so i get a little less time to write anything ... Okay thanks for reading and this isn't edited yet so check out for mistakes... Love you guyz ❤️

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