Chapter 24

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I was getting bored after Harry left for his work so i went for a light stroll in the backyard. I heard many rumours about the area further from this backyard. They say that it has many skeleton buried deep underneath the ground. Somewhere inside in my heart, i believe those rumours. Don't get me wrong, i trust Harry but it's his work that i don't have a trust on. It's to risky. He kill people and whatnot. He have rivals that are after him, who are thirsty for his blood they might do something to harm him one way or another. It's not like Harry is actually untouchable, i really don't want Harry to be hurt. His life is on the line and he has to be always on alert so no one could backstab him. It's Dangerous, too dangerous.

I don't want to poke my nose in between his business, he is been doing this since forever and i can't just order him to stop this all even when it's the most right thing to do. I sat on the bench that was there in the backyard, beautiful carved from wood, shining gloriously under the glaring sun rays. It was really beautiful. It was actually the only bench you could see in the backyard because Harry told them to install it, as i like to walk here in the backyard more often. He didn't wanted me to sit on the dirty mud. I opposed the idea but "What Harry wants, Harry gets" is all i could say.

"Hey baby" a pair of arm wrapped itself around my shoulders. I got tensed for a second but soon relaxed when I caught the whiff of my favourite expensive musky cologne. Smile adored my face on its own accord.

"Hey" I said while my cheeks painted itself in a rosy blush hearing that endearment. He pecked my forehead and my heart fluttered by the small, warm gesture. No one has showed me this type of care, I have never been in love but with Harry, I feel something that I have never felt before. His touches gives me goosebumps, his care makes my heartbeat faster, his arms give me warmth of protectiveness and of safety. It feels like home, an actual home. I never want to leave this.

"I'll be going out for work tomorrow, will you be okay with Lou?" his voice was soft, and I was so happy that he was asking me that if I would be comfortable first. I mean, if he could he would just leave without caring if I'll be okay or not. I think I'm starting to fall for him. I think I'm in love.

"No problem. I'll be okay with Lou" I leaned my head back so I could see his face. His emerald orbs came into view and I felt myself drowning in the depth of the pool of shimmering emerald ocean. His eyes always hold authority when talking about work, it has the power to make anyone submit to his wants but when he talks to me I always see different emotions swirling in them.

He leaned down and kissed me. No lust, no need, no desperation just our lips colliding softly. I smiled at the feeling of being kissed by him. Not everything revolves around sex, sometimes basic cuddles and soft kisses are more stronger to express what are we actually feeling and I felt love.

Love, simple four letter words which has thousands of feeling enclosed in it. I never was in love, this is my first time but the feelings is very euphoric. As long as its harry, I won't mind falling in love again and again.

"Are you sure?" he asked again and I smiled reassuringly. So caring.

"I'll go now. I have some work, don't stay out here for long its getting really hot." he pecked my lips again and I nodded. He left to work while I went inside to eat something and then take a quick nap.



"Meet me at our usual place, now" came a commanding voice through the phone.

"Yes boss" replied the receiver. The said man rushed outside leaving his current work. He got into his shiny, lush Ferrari Monza and started the car. He took off towards the usual spot where he and his boss have their private meeting. He was aware that there might be sneaky, lurking eyes on him, so he changed the route while stopping at an alley, parking the car at a side in the dark where no one can see it, he got out. Looking around for a soul which wasn't existing at the moment because this street was long abandoned with only a single streetlight which was at the far end of street.

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