A tad bit drunk, and very much so still in-love.

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He was at the bar the next day. Which didn't surprise her when she first saw him. She'd been waiting for Alex to swing by just to catch up, and talk about anything but work, that was planned, but him being here and sitting across the room staring at a drink in his hand wasn't. Neither was her sliding into his booth but little did she know today would be full of surprises.

He knew it was her before he even looked up, hence he took his time doing so.

"Morning." His voice was dry and lacked a certain brightness to it, a brightness he usually had when talking to her.

"It's noon."

"Mm...well it wasn't when I got here." She sighed, not because she was disappointed or anything of that matter but because she was concerned. As far as she knew he'd been drinking less the last time she saw him, but now here he was in a bar for who knows how long. But that wasn't the concerning factor, the concerning factor is that he hadn't even drank anything. He was sober and lacked the smell of alcohol but by the look in his eyes he desperately wanted to get drunk.

"How long have you been staring at that drink

He checked his watch, thought for a-while, and when he was done just gave her a shrug.

"Well alright then. Are you planning on drinking that at all?" She asked signaling to the zakarian ale.

"Why? You want some?" She actually contemplated for a second before waving off his offer with a shake of her head.

"No, but what I do want is for you to answer that question."

Leaning back into the cushioning of the booth he smiled at her. It was small but regardless she felt a huge knot in her stomach form at the look he was giving her. It was a light look but the eye contact felt more than heavy to her, and that's coming from someone who can lift planes with her bare hands. She was just about to speak when he reached for the drink, held the glass to his lips, and let one of the strongest drinks he's ever had ripple down his throat. It burned a-lot going down—which was weird for him because he used to drink so much that he never felt more then a tingle when downing whatever he'd be having.

He knew he was no longer sober when he started seeing stars and everything began to feel a tad bit woozy. He closed his eyes to try and gain some stability, and because he too began to feel the weight of her eyes.

"Well I guess that answers my question." She couldn't explain why she felt so helpless in that moment. Just staring at him sitting there with his eyes closed, she could see how exhausted he was. Hell she knew how exhausted he was. But to see it on his face in that moment made her want to hold him in a-way she knows she shouldn't want to.

Feeling less woozy he opened his eyes, theirs aligned again then he made the mistake of opening his mouth. "You know it is taking everything I have not to drop my gaze right now."

"Mon-El..." His words hadn't stunned her because that was something she'd been forcing herself not to admit. Even now she has some trouble avoiding not glancing at his lips every once in a while, when they were dating she just didn't have to hold back like she has to now and that most certainly is still an adjustment even after all these years.

"Yesterday you wanted to talk, this is me talking— and to be honest with you if I wasn't drunk I don't know if i'd be talking at all right now." Kara knew that too, but something about him being drunk throughout something that could make or break their relationship just didn't sit right with her.

"I've never been a fan of drunken honesty"

"Isn't honesty, honesty?"

He had her there. "Are you sure?"

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