Chapter one

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Today, he died three years ago with a though battle of thymus cancer. I've been alone ever since. After dark, I went to the bridge just past his house. The bridge we walked over to get to school. The bridge we kissed over. The bridge where we made memories. It over-looked the river that had the reflections of the city with ripples from rivers colliding -- but mostly frozen because even though it was February, it felt like the middle of winter.
Today was a day where it made me sick to be there where we shared the lights of the city together.
I pulled my hat down over my ears and pulled my thick black coat so it covered more of my chest.

*buzzz* *buzzz*

I pulled out my phone to see that JungJin was calling. I didn't feel like talking but I answered anyway. JungJin was Inkyu's brother. He was one of few who who felt what I felt, but never really showed it.


"How are you doing?"

"What do you think?" I said in an unnoticeably sarcastic tone.

"I know, I'm sorry. It's just that time of the year. I was hoping you could meet me at the coffee shop, you know. The one by the bridge?"

"I'll probably be there before you. I'm at the bridge now. I'll see you in a few."
As I hung up the phone, without letting him say another word, I shuffle through the snow heading towards the coffee shop that's only a few blocks away.
I wait out in the cold for JungJin, not making eye-contact with the people around me.

"Hey," says a familiar voice. It's JungJin. And it looks like he's been crying with puffy red eyes -- which is something I haven't seen on him before.
We stare at each other for just a while, confirming that this day has come once again. I sniffle and start to tear up as JungJin does the same. I run up to him in with my arms around and my face buried in his neck.

"I know. I know."

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