So Close yet So Far

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A few hours passed, all of a sudden it was dark. Jade could not see anything, the torches blew out and she could hear footsteps. Someone was getting closer to her cell, so Jade reached for her talavara to atleast try and protect herself. The person stopped at the door to her cell and whispered, "Ima Hiraku.'' The cell door opened swiftly and the person walked in Jade was shaking. Her anxiety increased due to not being to see the intruder. Her current situation was worse enough. The person calmly and gently pushed away Jade's talavara, and gently rustled her hair. Jade didnt know who this person was, but they calmed her down significantly. They reminded her of her mom, with how gentle they were towards her. Shortly after she is released from her chains and as soon as she stands up and reaches for the person, the torches light up again and there is no one around Jade. She was all alone, but she was freed and is now able to go after her friends. She stays in the cell just a bit longer in hopes to see this mystery person but something is telling her to move on.


Jade got out of her cell, and she started to run in the direction where Sirius and Azazel were dragged. The further she went down the hallway the floor started to incline and she could see the light from outside. She found herself in the middle of a huge circular area made of stone. There are two crosses being suspended about 100ft in the air, Azazel and Sirius covered in their blood and left to suffer on their own (the two are about 50 feet away from each other). Jade took a full 360 degree view of her surroundings. When she turned around she could see what she could make out to be a large pronged spear charged with spiritual energy. Aimed directly at Azazel and Sirius, this enraged Jade "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" Heads of the Moartea and other high ranking officials turned towards Jade. "THESE TWO DID NOTHING WRONG; THEY DO NOT DESERVE TO DIE FOR MY ACTIONS." The rage that Jade was showing was rapidly increasing her spiritual energy. The copy of herself that she fought to master the verdecken technique is now responding to her emotions and Jade can no longer control herself. "I WAS FIGHTING TO PROTECT PEOPLE, AND THE CLOSER I GET TO HELPING THEM THE FARTHER THEY ARE TAKEN AWAY FROM ME, WHAT DID THESE TWO DO TO THE MOARTEA TO DESERVE THIS?!" There was a heavy silence after Jade spoke, no one dared answer her question because they knew that she was right. Azazel was too weak to actually do or even say anything, and regardless of Sirius' past with Umbrae he hasn't done anything in recent events worth the punishment of execution.

The Emperor stepped forward towards Jade and said, "You, young one with the fiery passion to protect those who are closest to you, are nothing more than a naive girl who never learned to grow up. As smart as you may be you still haven't learned that not everything can go your way. Your hard work can and will suddenly mean nothing one day. And you trying to force your way out of situations that you caused will just bring you closer to your demise" Jade was now now extremely vexatious, "YOU SENILE OLD MAN! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BELITTLE MY EFFORTS TO KEEP PEOPLE SAFE. YOUR ENTIRE PHILOSOPHY AS A SOCIETY IS TO MAINTAIN THE BALANCE AND LIBERATE SOULS. YET, WHEN I TRY TO DO THE SAME IT DOESN'T COUNT?!" As Jade said these words, she involuntarily changed form, her mask started to form. Only thing is that it wasn't the same as it was before the same emotions weren't being portrayed as they were before. It went from depressed but showing a little bit of content to excessive rage with no room for happiness, but the rage also had sadness peeking through. She grew in stature height wise, and she was much stronger than before.

Jade wanted to get out of Umbrae as soon as she possibly could. She ran from where she was and slashed her talavara at the bases of which the crosses were being suspended from. The Emperor immediately called for the spear to be launched. Jade saw this and jumped to get Azazel as she set him down on the roof of a building nearby she turned to go and get Sirius; the Spear was closing in on him. Jade went as fast as she could; it was a race of speed. When she reached Sirius, she set him free but wasn't able to escape in time.

She was impaled by the spear, she coughed up blood and started to fall. The spear disappeared upon impaling her, and she was falling from 100ft in the air. The last thing she saw as she was falling was Azazel on the rooftop crying, and calling out to her. She smiled because she knew that he was safe, she was caught by Sirius and carried away towards Azazel. She cant remember anything else that happened.

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