Chapter 4 Staying in bed

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Chapter 5 Staying in bed
(Cassandra's P.O.V.)

I woke up with my head on the mattress. At least I thought it was the mattress, until it started moving. Once I got used to the steady up and down pace, memories of the night before came beck to me and I realized my head was still in Simons chest. One of is arms draped around my waist. I heard the sound of creaking wood but didn't open my eyes, wanting to stay this way a little while longer but not wanting the others to think I consciously let this happen even though I would. When I heard her voice it made me want to stay in bed even more "Time to get up." Most of the children groaned. "I'll give you half an hour to be up, washed, dressed, teeth cleaned, beds made, and out in the garden for some fresh air before breakfast. Lessons start at nine, sharp." With that she walked out of the room. "I don't know 'bout you lot but I wanna stay in bed." Simon spoke tiredly. Wait, when did he wake up? "I do too." I told him about to roll of is chest when he actually tightened his arm around my waist. I tried to hide my happiness and did a good job at it to. "Okay then. Sebastian go run the thermometer under a hot tap will you, Chrissy chalk, Eric crayons, Lily pepper." The boy ordered.
"How do you know she won't do something horrid to us?" Tora asked her brother.
"I've worked it out, she's a trained hypnotist. Just don't look directly at her and she won't be able to hypnotize you." He replied.
"Pepper? What's that for?" I asked lifting my head off his chest to look into his chocolate brown eyes. He smiled and laughed lightly, "It makes your nose all stuffy, Eric found it in one of father's books."
"Uhmm..." I nodded slowly falling back asleep.
"You can't go back to sleep just yet, we're faking the measles remember?" Simon spoke shaking me slightly still smiling.
"Oh... Yeah, right." I said my words getting slower and my eyelids getting heavier. Then I heard a shout next to my ear and I jumped up almost falling off the bed but Simon caught me. My head whipped around to see who was the one to almost give me a heart attack. As I should've known it was Sebastian. I glared at the boy and he looked down, but I could still see the smile playing at his lips.
"Sorry Cass but we had to keep you up one way or another." Said Simon. I nodded deciding to let the matter pass. Then we all started to get to work.
The atrocious nanny came into the room walking down the isle way between the ends of our beds turning her head and looking to each of us as she passed.
"Oh dear me..."
"We can't get up *cough* were ill." Said Eric playing the part very well.
"Colds in our noses." Added Chrissy pointing to her nose for effect.
"And kemperakurs." Sebastian piled of waving around the thermometer.
"I'm feeling quite light headed, is the room spinning?" I said placing a hand on my forehead.
"We think it might be the measles." Simon declared, his stuffy nose making him sound really cute.
"Got measles." Aggie concluded adorably.
"Good heavens. Then there is, of course no question of you getting up. I'm very sorry to have to tell you that you'll have to stay in bed." With that the nanny started walking out of the room. When she was in the doorway the hag turned and lifted her stick. I closed my eyes following Simon's advice, after hearing the stick banging on the door and footsteps leading away from the room I opened them. We all smiled at each other giggling and about to get up to start today's mischief. But when I lifted my head a wave of nausea hit me and it seemed that the others weren't feeling the best at all.
"I don't feel well..." Chissy trailed off, her blocked nose sounding very real.
"Don't be daft." Simon said tugging at the collar of his sleepshirt.
"I don't feel the best either Simon, I'm gonna go find Evangeline and see if she can get me some medicine." I told him getting up, or, trying to at least.
"What wrong?" Simon asked, string at me like I was mad.
"I-I can't get up." I replied still struggling to get up.
"I can't get up either Simon!" Lily whined. The others began to try to get up, all failing to do so.
"You must've looked at her then!" Simon accused us rudely.
"I was under the covers the whole time Simon." Lily told him.
"And I closed my eyes when she lifted her stick." I added looking into his eyes, which had softened. Eventually everyone has settled back into their beds, giving up.
"Hypnosis eh?" Eric said coolly, "Bang goes that theory."
"Ewe, what is that?"
"Measles medicine." Said the wretched nanny. Walking in with a strange bottle.
"Actually I'm not sure it is measles." Sebastian told her. Really not wanting to take medicine.
"Chalk white faces, livid red spots, temperatures of a hundred twenty degrees. There's nothing else like it." She said pressing two fingers to my forehead then blowing in them, like she was burned. The hag took a spoon of the black goop and lifted it in front of Simon's face. He turned his head away, making a disgusted face.
"If you don't take it you won't get better." She informed him, a knowing look in her eyes. Soon after he turned his head and opened his mouth wide enough to get the moving slime in his mouth. Everyone tried to get him to spit it out, but by the look on his face, he couldn't so he swallowed it.
"Your turn." Nanny McPhee said looking me in the eyes.
"Do I have to?" I asked already knowing the answer. She nodded. I plugged my nose as she put it in my mouth and swallowed quickly, not allowing myself to taste it.
Eventually everyone managed to get the medicine down them, gagging as they did so. Then came the worst part of the day. Cook walked in and we all sat up a straight as we could, hoping for the usual sick day treats. But sadly that was not the case, she gave us bowls of garbage and broth telling us, "Get that down ya that'll put the 'airs back in ya chest. Smell that? That is he smell that forged this empire. That pong, is the pong of conquerors."
"But cook," I began, she turned around to look at me "the boys here aren't even old enough to have hairs on their chests in the first place, let alone get them back." I sassed. She just rolled her yes and ignored me while the other girls laughed, and Si let out an offended 'heeyy'.
"Alright men, as you were." She said saluting us and walking out.
"They really are starving us. I wonder how long it will take for all of us to die." Lily whined stirring the soup with distaste.
After a while of nose plugging and soup chugging Mr. Brown finally came home from work.
"Everything alright kids? Heard you were a bit ill today." He questioned us cheerfully.
"Papa now that we're better can we get up?" Asked Chrissy
"Can we get up please?" We all chorused with pleading eyes, even Simon and I said it.
"Well of course you can." Mr. Brown replied shocked. It doesn't surprise me, I would be to.
"Read to us?" Chrissy asked, holding a book of fairy tales. Eyes and voice filled with hope.
"Not tonight darling I've got lots of work to do." He said, and just like that the room went quiet and he walked off the nanny and Evangeline leaving as well.
"Chrissy would you like me and to read to you?" I asked carefully so I didn't upset her. She nodded and walked over. I sat her on my lap and the other Brown children gathered around, I opened the book and read until Chissy had fallen asleep. Once we had tucked her in and gotten into are own beds Tora spoke up
"Didn't the nanny have two of those bumpy things?"
"They're calls warts, commonly associated with witches as it happens." Eric corrected smartly.
"I think Tora's right she did have two." I said but before I thought about it farther I feel into a deep sleep.
A/N I am so so so sorry it took so long to update. I have just been really busy with school and had major writers block, but thank you so much for the support I have gotten for this story. You Guys are the best!
As always have a wonderful morning, afternoon, and/or night.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2015 ⏰

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