🕴🏽Sexy In A Suit🤵🏽

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Amaranta gets a call from Bishop telling her her brother's in the hospital after being shot by Vatos at the Lodge and she borrows Marcus' Road King to go see him leaving her children with the rest of the redheaded army since they were already asle...

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Amaranta gets a call from Bishop telling her her brother's in the hospital after being shot by Vatos at the Lodge and she borrows Marcus' Road King to go see him leaving her children with the rest of the redheaded army since they were already asleep she walks into her brothers hospital room just as Bishop and Hank walk out.... Taza feels a delicate hand slide over his shoulder he turns his head and sees Amaranta standing next to him and he slides his arm around her waist and pulls her to him in a side hug she lays her head on his shoulder but doesn't say a word not that Taza expected her too especially after the way Riz treated her and her kids every time they come to visit she didn't stay long no more than a few minutes which Creeper seemed to not understand he seemed to expect her to stay all night.... "I got kids!.... beside I doubt he would have even come if I were in his place at least I attempted to make an effort even if he didn't see it!.... I might be back tomorrow I might not! my kids DO go to school you know!?! and to drive them back and forth everyday for that selfish shithead!.... it isn't worth it!"  she tells him with a dark harsh heated hateful tone "if he was a better brother to me and uncle to my kids I'd be a better sister to him but we all know THAT will never happen!"  she adds with the same tone as before then she turns around walks out of the room and follows Bishop and the others out Bishop wraps his arm around her shoulder as they walk towards the door then he follows her to her rental home just to make sure she gets there safely before heading to the club.... out of all of them Taza, Miguel, Nestor and Marcus were the only ones who heard her side of her family story she didn't know how her mom and dad met but she remembers being there when her dad and stepmother.... kinda since her father never married her mother just had an affair with her.... were killed Devante took her in as his own because he saw her become unaffected by her father and stepmothers death what Adelita doesn't know is that her brother didn't die he was wounded and still carries the scars but throughout everything his body refused to give up and fought to live with everything it had and only Amaranta knows where he is no one knows how Amaranta knew she wasn't "complete".... in other words not fully Adelita or Riz's sister.... but she did and she made sure she got to know each half of her family and did her best to treat them as she believed family should be treated but all in all that fully depended on how they treated her her mother and father loved her it was her half siblings that didn't perhaps they believed that their parents played favorites with her to make up for her not having a "complete" and whole family.... "someone looks good in purple.... or is that black!?! well whatever color it is you look good in it!"  Czarina teasingly coos as she walks into Miguel's' home office Miguel who is sitting at his desk doing paperwork looks up and smiles "though I'm starting to wonder if Marcus and Nestor planned the matching color dress shirts!"  she teasingly adds Miguel chuckles she sets down a bottle of beer and a plate of food on his desk "you should eat! it's hard to think on an empty stomach I made some for your twins as well they're sitting at the kitchen island with the kids"  she tells him he smiles then says "gracias"  she replies "da nada.... enjoy!"  she kisses his cheek then walks out of the room and he smiles at her departing figure and wonders to himself "now why couldn't I have a wife like that!?!"....

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