chapter 19

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My mind went blank he didn't tell me for two full years ! I wouldn't mind if he told me in a month of there relationship but three years come on..... "So... Why didn't you tell me the first two years huh? I TELL YOU EVERYTHING TAYLOR! LOOK I KNOW YOU THINK IM OVERRACTING, BUT IM NOT! Look I'm very disappointed! Did you not trust me?!" I said and tried not to tear up but I did. "AUBREY! YOU KNOW I TRUST YOU! I JUST DIDNT TELL YOU BECAUSE... WELL I DONT KNOW MAYBE ITS BECAUSE IM AFRAID WHATS SHE GONNA THINK OF US!" he said and bursted out hysterically crying. I fell on the beach sand. "So you think we have a bad family?!!!! Or a messed up one to show your stupid girlfriend! Just because we snuck out of our home doesnt mean we don't have any family!" I said but it was really hard to hear. "Aubrey! Stop crying" Taylor said and knelt by me and touched my hand. "DONT TOUCH ME!" I said and ran home. I walked in the door crying my heart out. "AUBREY! ARE YOU OK?!" Cameron yelled. He grabbed me And held me in his arms. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his tirso and cried on his shoulder. "Shhhh...." He said quietly. "Taylor has a girlfriend and he didn't tell me for three years.." I said sniffling. "What?! Even I didn't know that,. BOYS!!!" Cameron said. The boys rushed in. "Yeah..Aubrey! Are you ok!!" Nash said and the others. "Yeah I'm fine... Taylor has a girlfriend for three years and has never told me..." I said and cried again in Cam's shoulder. "Its ok honey I'm here" Cam said. Then taylor walked in with a girl. Great time Taylor! The boys glared at him, I didn't move at all from Cams shoulder. "Aubrey..." Taylor said going behind cam to see me. "What?!" I said and faced away. "I'm sorry.... I really am.. I hate fighting with you...  Please figive me..." He said. I looked up and saw he was crying hard just like me. I kissed Cams cheek and got down and hugged my brother. "Its ok but you need to tell me everything from now on got it?" I said and he nodded. "Aubrey this is Sophia" Taylor said and I looked his side. She had long black curly hair, brown eyes and was very pretty. "Hey, sorry I probably look like crap but I'm Aubrey Caniff" I said and put a hand out to her. She took it and shook it. "Hi, I'm Sophia" she said. "Well since you met me you should meet my boyfriend Cameron and my beautiful sexy other boys" I said and giggled. "Hi, I'm Cameron Dallas" he said and she nearly fangirled. "Oh did not I not mention I met Sophia at a meet and greet" Taylor said. I laughed. "Cute" I said. She met all the others. "Hey mind if I take Sophia for awhile?" I asked Taylor. He nodded. "Let's go Sophia" I said. "Where are we going" she said. "It's a surprise" I said and grabbed her. We went down to the beach. The Baes were there of course. Every time its two we meet at the beach on Sundays. "Baes.." I said and they looked. There mouthed dropped. "Another bae?!" They screamed. "Maybe?" I said and they ran to Sophia and examined her. "Style, check, body, check , hair, big check, and even her butt, a-ok" they said and Sophia laughed. "She must go through the gate to the bae group!" Rhiannon yelled. "You must say you are honest to us, loyal and tell us every boy problem and relationship" Peyton said and Sophia repeated it. We taught her the bae hand shake and now she was an official bae. I love having new Baes. Then me and Sophia had a sleepover in my room. I invited Taylor and Cam to join our sleepover. We played board games, truth or dare and all sorts of stuff. I also invited Gabe. "Gabe!" I said as he entered my door. "Aubrey!" He said and we both hugged as tight as possible. "Omg! I thought you were never gonna get out of that dying hole with the drectioners! I missed you" he said. "Awe! Well I'm here now .... Let's play!" I said and we played shrades. Then at 5 am we all went to bed in our sleeping bags.

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