One Direction,Me & Love ?

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it was summer, the happiest time of year! No school, no homework, no teachers. Well my summer and the rest of my year, is about to be alot better than any average summer. I'm going on tour with five amazing boys. Well I got signed back in decmeber and it has been my absolute dream to go on tour or atleast perform with One Direction! Since I was 6 i've been singing and now I'm thirteen, I got discovered in a womens hairdresser singing Torn by Natalie Imbruglia. then a short women walked up to me and she said 'You have the most amazing voice, heres my card. Call this number, because we need to talk about your future.' By this point I was extatic, no words could describe how I was feeling. So I rushed home to phone the number on the little piece of beige laminated card, I was about to make a life changing call. [6 weeks later] My suitcases were packed ready to go to the train station. Just imagine, in a few hours I owuld be in Wolverhampton [home of Liam Payne], opening for their first tour. I drifted of into a world of dreams, but I couldnt help but think of what they would think of me, Will they like me ?, Will they think I'm a good singer ?, these are the questions that ran through my mind. We arrived,there was someone with a sign wating for me on the platform, so I walked and stepped slowly of the train. We walked out of the train station only to find a turqouise tour bus shining in the light. Five shadows leaped off the bus, butterflies were fluttering so bad I could have fainted of anxiousness, 'Hi, Jade!' Louis chimed, 'Hi Louis, i prefer Jadee though. Pleasure to meet you!', 'Let me introduce you to the rest, you may already know them though,' Louis said with a cheeky wink. 'This is Zayn, Liam, Harry and last but no least Niall' they all walked over to help me with my bags, but first of all we had a group hug, just to symbolise we are all in this together.

Part 2

We trudged on to the turqouise tour bus, ' Right let me show ya round Jadee' Zayn smiled eargerly. He grabbed my arm and showed me this exquisite bus. Zayn showed me everywhere, their were portraits of them and suprisingly a couple of me to [ unexpected much!]. Finally Zayn showed me the bedrooms, firstly he showed me the boys bedrooms. Their room was like a box, bunkbeds all piled high on top of eachother, a small flatscreen and a docking system for iPods. Zayn then showed me my room, king sized bed, flat screen, docking system for my iPods and 5 couches. I didnt want the boys to be jealous of how big my room was. 'I can ask Simon if we can swap rooms, I dont like it if your all in a box room and I'm in the biggest room on this tour bus!' I protested. 'We like being in bunkbeds, we feel like little children and we feel like brothers. We are that close we share everything Jadee.' Niall smirked, 'Yeah we are that close now' The other four smiled. And what gorgeous smiled they have, I plonked myself on the sofa next to Niall and Liam. Nialls blue eyes glistened when he made eye contact with me, his gorgeous eyes. 'Hey Jadee, I need to tell you something' Niall said glistening eyes and his perfect smile. 'Come on the spit it out Nialler!' Louis,Liam, Zayn and Harry chanted, ' I really like... your music! yeah your music' he suddenly improvised, I know Niall likes my music I gathered that when Zayn showed me the bedroom, Niall has all my songs on his iPod. 'Jade can we talk to you for a minute ?' Harry, Liam and Louis asked. 'Yeah sure..' I responded confused. We walked to my bedroom to talk.' Jade we need to talk to you about Niall' 'Why whats he done ?' I asked puzzled, didnt Niall like me ?, Did he hate me being here ?,Was he jealous that I was gonna steal his friends ?.  'The thing is Niall, kinda fancies you  hes the one who made everything special for you coming. He really loves you Jade, do you know what, hes been sending us secret text messages telling us how much he fancies you' Liam said with a tear rolling down his cheek. 'Well I didnt know he felt like that, why didnt he say anything ?'. We all fled to the front room where Zayn and Niall were sitting. 'Well shall we start rehearsing our first concert it tonight you know' when I came back in the room a huge smile was pinned up to his face.

Part 3 [sorry this story is bad :L]

'Well I think we should rehearse Kids In America first, becuase i'm singing with Niall so it should be easy' Tears were rolling down Nialls face, he ran out the room zayn shortly followed after him as did Louis. ' I'm going in there, why is he crying Zayn ?' I said as zayn and Louis walked out the room happy as can be. 'Why are you so happy that Niall is crying ?' I asked sounding puzzled, 'Just go in there he wants you' i walked over to the boys bedroom. Niall was in there on his bunk crying and he smirked when I walked in. Even though Niall is 17 and I'm 13 we can still be friends right? He asked me to come and sit on his neatly made bed, he budged up a bit  so I could sit down and he leant over and he kissed me, Niall Timothy Horan just kissed me! The other guys rushed in and said 'did you do it Niall ?', 'Suprisingly yes, i had the courage to do it'. I asked to be alone for a bit so I ran out side, we asked the bus dribver to stop driving so I could go outside for 15 minutes. To be with myself to see what Niall just did to me. I mean I liked it, in fact I think I may be faling in love with him. Niall came outside to talk to me, I was in floods of tears. Just thinking that was my first kiss, it will always be my first kiss, and I loved it. 'Hey, I'm sorry.. Its just I love yo..' 'I know Harry Liam and Louis told me, I found it cute.But why fall for me I'm not pretty, or funny and I'm not perfect and I'm on the fat side. Im not attractive in any way' I smiled, Niall got his sleeve and wiped the tears rolling down my face, 'Your perfect to me, and your beautiful to me. You may be a little big on the weight side but as I said before your perfect to me and no one can change that. you shouldn't try to change for anyone.' I loved his little speech, It made me realise I was special to him. He looked at me a tear came to his eye and he said 'I want to be with you, if it doesnt work just remeber that I love you and your very special to me, Never forget that!' He held my hand, 'So are you asking me if we can be an item ?' I started crying with joy, 'yeah, I guess I am' Then he grabbed my hand and leaned into kiss me and his eyes glistened. His gorgeous blue eys.

part 4 [Niall's P.O.V]

Well, i can't believe I did that. Theres four years between us, what was I thinking, I'm in love with her. She beautiful and she perfect in everyway. I made her cry when I didnt mean to. We are an item now, I need to tell the boys. 'Guys!' They ran outside to come and see us, 'Are you two an item yet ?' Harry asked all excited like! 'Why so excited Harry ?' Jade winked cheekily to Harry, 'Awwww you two make such a good couple! But your like 4 days and 4 years apart arent you? So isnt that a bit weird!' Liam, Louis and Zayn asked happy but confused at the sametime. Everyone seemed to be happy for both of us, we were going to be happy toghether. We all ran back into the bus as it started to rain and we rehearsed Kids In America. for tomorow nights show. It seemed like everything was going to be fine after all. I was worried that she wouldnt like me and that she would leave the tour becuase of what I did. But to find out she liked me to was a huge milestone. Just thinking of i makes me tearful.

Part 5 [Back to Jade]

So I guess everthing is good and how it should be. Everything is how it should be. Everything is gonna be alright now<3

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