One Direction, Me & Love ? Book 2

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Its had been 3 months since the start of our tour. 2 and a half months that me and Niall had been together, and we enjoyed every minute of it. These past few months had gone so fast, its felt like about 2 weeks. We had all properly bonded, we felt like family now, next week it was Liams birthday. So we all went back to Wolverhampton to celebrate his birthday. And his mum and dad said with a smile 'Your all family now' we were all really happy about that because we had bonded. Me, Niall, Louis,Zayn and Harry all slept in the tour bus for that week whilst Liam stayed at his house. The sun was shining through the curtains one morning, 'Its going to be a lovely day today' said the weahter woman as I walked in the living room to find out Louis and Zayn were watching the weather. 'Hey, I got a good idea guys' shouted Harry, 'We should go to the beach!' Harry and Niall got towels out of the airing cupboard, Zayn and Louis started making the packed lunches bless them! 'So what shall I do ?' I asked. 'Go and get Liam!' Harry Protested, 'Because it wouldn't be the same without Liam would it boys ?' Niall asked. So I ran off the tour bus only to walk about 15 steps to Liams house. i knocked at his door and waited patiently, the suns rays were edging closer to the tour bus turning it and icy blue. Liam then answered the door 'Hey Jade, vas happenin' ?' Liam asked with a cheeky wink. 'Haha very funny Liam. Oh yeah do you want to come to the beach today with us ?' I asked with a huger smirk. 'Yeah sure I will be on the bus in about 10 maybe 15 minutes' He guessed. I ran back to the tour bus to get dressed, the boys were in their swim trunks and I got dressed in my swimminig costume and a sun dress. You see I hated swimming, but I liked sun bathing. Liam walked up the steps on the tour bus with a t-shirt and swimming trunks and flips flops. As soon as we were all ready the tour bus set off.

Part 2

We arrived at the beach only to be greeted by about 10 or eleven girls screaming 'ONE BLOODY DIRECTION' at the top of their lungs. One girl seemed to love Niall so much, she decided to push me down and start punching me. Niall jumped into help me so did the others. My leg got cut on a rock, a huge slit up my leg bled continously for a while. 'Hey are you alright Jade ?' Louis worried, 'Look we didnt mean for this to happen were so sorry, We are taking you to the hospital' Liam Harry and Zayn cried. Niall just sat there on a rock crying 'I'm so sorry this has happened Jade, I really am.' Zayn, Liam and Louis helped me up and helped me walk up the path back to the tour bus. Harry and Niall just sat there with the bags. 'If I was never with her none of this would have happened, would it Harry ?' Niall sat on the rock, Harry sat on the next rock. 'I thought you loved her Niall ? And if you did then you would never say that. I thought she was your world, well thats what you told us.' Harry looked puzzled at this point and he started comforting Niall. ' I do Harry you know I think the world of her, You know sometimes I just want to hold her and never let her go.' Tears were rolling down Niall's face. 'Well, dont say that if you werent with er this wouldn't have happened.' Harry smiled, Niall said 'I didn't mean to say that, its just how I feel' Niall soon smiled becuase he said this 'I love her I never want to let her go,she is my world.' They ran up to the tour bus to take me to the hospital, only to find Louis fretting 'Niall! Harry! where the hell were you!? Shes passed out!' Louis began to worry so did the rest of them. The bus driver drove to the nearest hospital. A bed was ready for me outside the hospital for me to be rushed to hospital, Niall was crying his little heart out. Bless Him! I awoke to find five gorgeous boys, smiling their eyes red from all the crying. Gasps filled the room, 'How long was I passed out for ?' I asked puzzled. 'About 5 hours, we've been right by your side all the way' Zayn answered. A nurse dressed in blue, with her hair in a ponytail strutted into my room. 'Well, boys she won't be performing for a while she needs to stay in over night, the amount of blood she lost from her leg was incredible.' the nurse said with a straight face, the boys sighed 'We called the concert off anyway Jade, wouldnt be the same without you' Liam said with a smile plastered on his face. I sat up to find out my leg had been bandaged up, I got my mirror of the bedside table to find I had bruises and cuts all over my face. Purplely brown colour bruises covered my face and my lip had swollen badly from the punching. 'Are you alright Jade, I'm so sorry its all my fault!' Niall cried his heart out again, he ran out of the bedroom. I grabbed my phone and texted Niall, this is what the text said : 'Babe. this was nothing to do with you, Just that girl must have been really jealous of us thats all :D xx Come back please ? xx ;D'

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