The Realization

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Felix: Come on Jack it’s been 2 weeks now

Felix: You gotta move on


My friends have been trying to get me out of my depression I’ve been in since my girlfriend broke up with me. It’s been hard, sure, but that’s not what’s been bothering me. I’ve been having the same dream over and over again about Times Square. It ends differently every time though. One time it ended with Matt laughing and saying how much better he could do and another time - this one only happening once - ended with Felix finding us at the exact moment the girl asks the question and he said that he was actually Matt’s boyfriend and when the ball hit zero for New Years they both kissed. I woke up on the floor after that dream, hiding underneath my bed, shaking.


I have trouble falling asleep anymore, I’ve had only a few hours every night. I try making videos still but when I play back through them they end up terrible. In fact, one time I passed out during a recording. I instead made a personal video a week ago telling my fans that I needed a vacation and I was going through some rough times. I feel awful about it but there’s nothing else I can do at this point. I spend every waking hour thinking of what this dream means and why it’s affected me so much.


I almost feel like the petal on a flower. Everything was perfect, beautiful in in fact, and then the flower withered and all the petals started falling off, one by one. Now I’m the only one left. Wondering why I’m trying to hold on, why not just give up and die along with the other, I can’t think like this, I have to get out of this, no matter how hard...I may be the only petal left but I still have the stem left with me...and that stem for me right now, is Felix.


Felix: I know you’re there. Listen, I know you loved her but you have to let this go.

Felix: Jack?

Felix: I see you reading this messages now respond!

Jack: You’re right. I need to get over fact I am over it

Felix: Then why aren’t you recording videos?

Jack: There’s just something that’s been going on. I’m not sure what it all means but that’s what’s been bothering me. I don’t know what it means!
Felix: Well I’m not a therapist (though I could be a “the rapist”, lolololol) but what’s been bothering you?

Jack: I don’t exactly feel comfortable talking about it.

Felix: Why?

Jack: I mean not like this, I need to have a heart to heart talk

Felix: Will that get you out of this...THING and make you start recording videos again?

Jack: Yes, I believe so.

Felix signed out


“Well that was rather rude..” I said to myself. I wonder why he did that...oh well. I guess the stem finally died. I walked to the bathroom to check how I looked. “Oh God, I look awful! Then again, I don’t exactly have a reason to look good now do I.” I left and went to the family room to watch some more T.V.


That night during the Late Night News I got a text. I’ve been ignoring my texts ever since I became single so I treated this one the same way. But that text was followed by loud knocking on the front door. “Who the hell would be visiting me? And at this time of day?” I looked at my phone and read the most recent text.

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