Chapter one

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l Amber waited on the bleachers for football practice to end as she usually did. she watched as the players lranaround the feild. cheer leading practice had ended half an hour ago. the cheerleaders first practice was today but, they had practice inside. amber felt a little weird about the outfit though. it seemed to be revealing. she was wearing a red skirt and a red crop top sort of thing. (Pic in sidebar)
While the boys were throwing the football around the coach started talking to amber, he was also ambers gym teacher his name was mr.Myres.
"Hayes." he called and she walked over to the coach at the sidelines
"New chearleading uniform?" He asked
"Yep. I feel it's a little revealing though." she said
"They are supposed to be." he answers
"And I like them that way." someone whispered in my ear, I turned around and saw Kenny with a smile on his face
"McCormic! Stop flirting and get back on the feild!" Coach ordered and he jogged off.
"Practice is over, your all dismissed now hit the showers and get off my feild" coach said as They all went towards the locker rooms except one who I thought would be either Craig or clyde. I sat on the bleachers and looked up as they took off their helmet to reveal blonde hair and electric blue eyes.
"Hey sexy." he said
"Back off McCormic." I said and rolled my eyes
"You know you like it." Kenny said before jogging off. he looked over his shoulder and I flipped him off he chuckled and walked off. Craig walked Over to the bleachers with Clyde and they both stopped when they saw me.
"what?" I asked
"You look hot" Clyde said putting and arm over my shoulder and I rolled my eyes.

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