Chapter three

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~~~after final bell~~~
"Hey Craig ready for the game?" I asked him
"No, I have detention with Clyde,stan and kenny."
"All four of you?!" I exclaimed
"Yea." he said
"The team is going to be down four players and one is you, Craig you are the captain."
"I know." he said
"Craig! Get your ass to detention now, m'kay!" Mr.Mackey said as he grabbed Craig's arm and started to basically drag him down the hallway.
"Mr.mackey can't they have detention another day?"
"Why?" He said annoyed
"Because we have a game against north park." I said
He stopped and looked at me
"We are down our captain and three if our best players." I said
"And?" He said
"We need them."
"Well...I guess I could let Clyde Kenny and Stan go but, Craig has to stay what he did was unexeptable."
"What did he do?" I asked
"He went into my office and wrote obsinetys all over the walls."
"Craig!" I said angrily and he just started laughing. makey told him
"Get your ass in there your gonna be here for three hours Craig."
"McCormick,Donavin,Marsh your lucky amber convinced me to let you three go."
"Really?" Clyde asked
"Sweet." Stan said
"That's our amber." Kenny said
"Sorry craig" I said and he waved me over and I walked over to him.
"You need to get a sub player." Craig said
"Craig shut the hell up." Mr.Mackey said
"Bye craig." I said and ran off.
"Your friends couldn't save you this time Donavin." Mackey said
"Yes they will."
"No they will not."
"I'll be out of here in ten minutes." Craig said
"Sure." he said
"I wouldn't be so confident in those kids, craig."
We ran down to the office. I grabbed the cd and put it in the radio and then the phoenix by fall out boy started blasting through the PA system. hopefully Craig new this was my favorite song.
I then got a text from Clyde who was hiding in a locker
Mackey just left to turn off music
Thanks Clyde
I ran to the detention room and opened the door and Craig ran out.
"Hey young blood doesn't it feel like our time is running out? I'm gonna change you like a remix then I'll raise you like a phoenix"
It blasted over the speakers. the guys ran to the locker room and I ran to the girls locker room and cha he's into my cheer leading outfit.
I ran onto the feild
"Where were you?" Wendy asked and bebe had a questioning expression
"Breaking Craig out of detention." I said
"Is that what the music was?"
"Yep" I said
"You are crazy" bebe said with a smile
"It's a good thing if it wasn't for me and my negotiating skills we would be down three players and our captain." I said
We cheered as the boys played the game. there was thirty seconds left and Craig jumped and caught the ball and Mackey saw him. Craig made it to the end zone and we won.
We all cheered.
«makey pov»
I walked into the feild I will find this kid if it's the last thing i do. then someone leapt up to catch the ball and I recognized him
Craig motherfucking tucker.

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