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We see Alex explaining his multiple disorder personality in a flashback to a therapy session, and he identifying each of his personas: Damon is a violent personality, though Alex is quick to reassure the nervous doctor that he only fights when he's mad, and would never harm women or children. 

Because his multiple personalities take over his mind and body, Alex can never remember what happens after he loses control. In one memory we see him wake up in the middle of getting a tattoo of the Latin words for "death alone."

Alex was diagnosed four years ago with dissociative identity disorder, also called multiple personality disorder, but he hasn't found any reliable way to treat it. He doesn't know the exact number of personalities, but in addition to the violent Damon, there are also Perry Park and Olav, the person who has tried to commit suicide more than once. I was afraid of that.

Now thoroughly spooked, the psychiatrist declares that he can't help Alex. "But you said you've treated patients with D.I.D. before!" Alex objects. "I lied," replies the shrink. Pfft. So Alex has no choice but to drive away, wondering how many personalities are hiding in his body, just waiting for the chance to emerge.

Back in the present, Alex asks the secretary why he came to the States. It turns out that Alex's grandmother wants him to return. This is a problem because Alex has yet to tell his mother and grandmother about his condition. "How can I go back in this monstrous state?" he asks.

But the next thing we know, Alex opens his eyes to find himself on a plane soon to arrive at Singapore Airport. His neighbor in first class is our second lead, Andrew.

On Alex's cell phone, he finds a video addressed to him, taken by his alter ego Damon. Damon suggests that it's time for Alex to make a bid to become the successor to his family's Rain dew  Group. Adding insult to injury, he tells him to change his crappy sense of style.

A car comes into the airport parking lot. The driver is Olivia, who receives a phone call from a reporter who wants to know if she is the "Omega writer" (an "Omega 3 murder mystery" was mentioned in the newspaper Olivia was reading). The call sparks her temper, and she growls that she'll put an end to this today.

Alex tries to arrange for a ticket straight back to Los Angeles, but he's surrounded by four men in suits who work for his grandmother, the current CEO of Rain Dew Group. They're about to escort him to the parking lot when a cry rings out: "Hey!" It's Olivia, pointing directly at Alex.

Alex stiffens, thinking his alter ego has caused more trouble. But Olivia points right past Alex for the guy hiding behind him: Andrew.

Olivia shakes Andrew by the ears, yelling about the reporters who have been flooding her phone with calls. Andrew clings to Alex, begging him for help. Alex tries to get Olivia to calm down and talk things out, but she tells him to butt out.

"How long are you going to live off my name?" Olivia demands, still wailing at her brother. She says she's going to reveal his identity right here but Andrew manages to clap a hand over her mouth. "My sister is very sick," he says, pointing to her head. He starts tugging her towards the doors, while Olivia hilariously impersonates a giant "O" and a "3" for Omega 3. Alex watches, dumbfounded.

Andrew drives along without a care in the world, though Olivia is still mad. We learn that Andrew is her twin brother, who gained fame and wealth as a bestselling author of those Omega 3 mysteries. He's cultivated his own aura of mystery as a "faceless" writer, much to his sister's dismay as the only point of contact for reporters.

An ambulance rolls up when they reach the hospital, and the EMTs start transporting a injured man from the vehicle to the hospital. Olivia adopts an upbeat, cheery voice and rushes right over.

The patient recognizes her, complaining in between bouts of yelling that he got stuck with her again. Olivia keeps reassuring him, only pausing to direct some employees to prepare to pump the man's stomach. She takes off her jacket as they head off to reveal her medical coat, identifying her as an actual psychiatrist and not the mental patient she's been acting like so far.

That patient is still causing trouble when she reaches the patients' room. Olivia tries to talk him down, but the man jerks away and tries to grab Olivia, who unleashes some impressive martial arts skills as she flips him over her shoulder.

She calmly restrains him. Andrew has witnessed the scene from the doorway, and he amuses that his little sister is really impressive.

Outside in his car, Andrew opens his bag, taking out a bundle full of newspaper cutouts about the Rain Dew Group and a picture of Alex in his football uniform. Either he's got a man-crush, or else the plot is thickening...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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