Verses:-1️⃣2️⃣,1️⃣3️⃣1️⃣2️⃣:-Rejoice in hope,be patient in suffering,persevere in prayer.
1️⃣3️⃣:-Contribute to the needs of the saints;extend hospitality to strangers.
💐Our lord takes care of everything..
💐Instead of wasting the days weeping,rejoice each and every minute our Lord has given us.
💐Let's learn to help those to need our support during this difficult time😊
🔸️The relationship with God is so full of comfort and encouragement that it is possible to be joyful in hope even when you’re in the midst of confusion.
🔸️It’s much better to patiently wait for God to lead us, rather than trying to make things happen that we can’t really change anyway.
🔸️Don’t give up...Even a pea-sized faith is a great thing to be appreciated..
🔸️Be relentless and look upon our God.
🔸️Let's knock the door repeatedly because we have a prayer-answering God.
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